Contributed by: Healthians Team


Dust allergy is a very common type of allergy that is caused mainly due to the presence of dust particles in the air.

Those with dust allergies often take over-the-counter medications on a regular basis to get relief from the uncomfortable symptoms.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Dust Allergy?

The most common symptoms of dust allergy include:

  • A runny nose
  • Sneezing and sniffling
  • Itchy and red eyes
  • Coughing and wheezing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Tightness in the chest

While it can be challenging to get rid of dust mites altogether, there are several simple and powerful home remedies that can help you deal with allergies and eliminate the symptoms.

If you suffer from a dust allergy, stay reading to learn about possible remedies and precautionary tips.

Essential oils

Essential oils like lavender oil, eucalyptus oil etc. work wonders in curing dust allergies.

Apart from therapeutic properties, these oils have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that have shown to have high activity against house dust mites.


Honey also works effectively in treating dust allergies and their symptoms. Honey contains small traces of local pollen, which is believed to help with dust allergies.

This is most helpful for those who suffer from seasonal allergies since over time, consuming modest amounts of pollen via raw honey on a daily basis may make one less sensitive to it.


Dehumidifiers are machines that remove moisture from the air, allowing it to dry out and thwarting the growth of mould.

Dust mites and mould, which both prefer moist environments, are frequently to blame for dust allergies. Therefore, the best option for treating a dust allergy and its symptoms is a dehumidifier.

Apple cider vinegar

ACV is an effective remedy for treating dust allergies because it is not only expectorant but is also loaded with anti-inflammatory properties.

This can help in treating dust allergy and the accompanying cold-like symptoms. Additionally, ACV also has antimicrobial properties that can prevent aggravation of allergy symptoms.


One of the best all-natural treatments for dust allergy is turmeric. Curcumin, a key ingredient in this golden spice, has natural decongestant properties.

Additionally, it functions as a natural antihistamine by lowering the body’s production of histamines, which would otherwise cause allergies to develop.

Turmeric also possesses anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities that can stop an infection from developing from an allergy.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is power-packed with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help prevent dust allergy. It can help treat the swelling and pain caused by dust allergies.

However, there are no scientific studies supporting its effect on dust allergy.


Vitamin C supplementation is widely known for its potential to treat dust and seasonal allergies. It not only prevents the release of histamines but also helps speed up their breakdown.

Peppermint tea

Several studies indicate that peppermint has anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties. It contains a volatile oil called menthol that rises to the sinuses and acts as a natural decongestant, providing immediate relief from sneezing, wheezing, and a runny nose.

This can help in relieving the symptoms of dust allergy.

Green tea

Green tea has been found to help treat a wide range of allergies. It is loaded with catechin called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which has antioxidant properties and helps in reducing the effects of dust allergy.

Preventive tips

  • Get rid of wall-to-wall carpeting, especially in your bedroom.
  • Try and keep your pets outside the bedroom 
  • Keep your indoors humidity-free
  • Use mite-proof linens on your beds and pillows
  • Use a high-efficiency filter in your air conditioning unit
  • Schedule regular visits by the pest control services to keep cockroaches at bay
  • Keep your house clean and dust-free
  • Avoid direct exposure to fog, and cold weather, especially in the morning
  • Avoid cold drinks, ice creams, fried, and reheated foods
  • Eat seasonal and local fruits and vegetables

Final thoughts

While there’s no universally accepted diet for dust allergies, it is abundantly clear that any diet filled with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant-rich foods is good for your whole body.

As an add-on, make a habit of taking preventive health checkups as they can help you in getting a complete insight into your health.

This will also help you with taking measures to promote your overall well-being. 

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