Contributed by – Healthians Team


The most common cause of death among teenagers is suicide. Every hour and a half, a teen or young adult commits suicide. Moreover, many people are still trying to end their life for some or the other reason.

Early depression and detection, diagnosis, and treatment of other mental health issues are the most effective ways to prevent suicide.

Every year World Suicide Prevention Day is observed on 10th September around the world. This year’s theme is Creating Hope through Action.

The majority of the time, people who commit suicide do so to end their suffering. These people are experiencing such intense pain that they feel hopeless and helpless. Suicidal thoughts are not voluntary. Instead of just ‘thinking of themselves,’ they are experiencing a very serious mental health symptom that could be because of either a mental illness or a challenging circumstance in their lives. 

Trying to recognize suicidal thoughts in someone can be challenging, however, identifying and learning the signs could be the first step to preventing suicide. So here we are helping you with some tips that you need to know.

Tips that can help prevent suicide

Talk therapy 

Sharing your thoughts with someone else can help you relax and clear your mind, as we all are aware that our mind is like a storehouse and it’s perfectly normal to take the garbage out of our mind. A suicidal person could be inclined to hold back emotions because they feel ashamed, guilty, or humiliated. About things that happen to them in their life. Be encouraging and considerate, and offer to help them talk about their problems.

Don’t judge 

You never know what stage someone is in, therefore it’s never okay to make assumptions about their past and tell others that life can’t just be the same and easy. Let them get their all emotions out without the fear of getting judged. One should always understand that emotions are not static; they are ever-evolving. The way you feel right now might not be the same as how you felt yesterday, or how you’ll feel tomorrow, or even next week. Additionally, asking them questions like, how can I help you will make them feel better instantly. 

Encourage them for medication 

Suicidal or extremely depressed people might not have the energy or motivation to seek treatment. If someone is trying to end their life, they or must be in a poor state of mind and unable to ask for help or make their own decisions. Encourage the person to ask for assistance from a support group, crisis center, faith community, teacher, or another reliable source if they don’t want to see a doctor or mental health professional. You can provide encouragement and counsel, but keep in mind that it’s not your responsibility to replace a mental health professional. Taking a wise decision will help them to save their life.

Suggest workout 

Physical exercise is an effective wellness approach and reduces the symptoms of mental illness. Fitness will support increased amounts of serotonin, another brain-body chemical that results in positive moods and peaceful sleep, whether it be going outside for a daily walk, working out in the gym, taking an online dance class, or doing something else. However, experts advise exercising between two and five times per week for 30 to 40 minutes is also good enough. The most important thing is to have fun, that distracts the mind, and one ends up feeling encouraged.

Focus on creating hope 

A ray of hope can help people maintain a positive outlook and be inspired to take action to lessen their mental health symptoms and suicidal thoughts. Medications, talk therapy, and stress-relieving exercises like yoga, meditation, or journaling could be incorporated into the strategy. Reassure people honestly that some life improvements may take time to come. Let them know that hard times will not last forever. When people receive appropriate love, care and support, they do feel better and feel good about themselves.

Final thoughts 

The deliberate taking of one’s own life is known as suicide. If someone admits they are feeling suicidal or behaves in a way that makes you think they could be suicidal, don’t minimise or disregard the situation. Your goal should be to maintain discipline, awareness, and communication with that person because many people who commit suicide have expressed their intentions at some time. And listening to them should be your priority.

No matter how worried you may be that you are overreacting to a situation, the safety of your friend or loved one should always come first. 

Let them know they’re not alone. Many people are struggling with their different problems, however, it can be quite isolating to have mental health issues. 

People may believe that they are different compared to others or that no one can understand them. It’s important to make sure they understand that giving up on life is not ok. 

These emotions of being overwhelmed, depressed, terrified, and angry can be fine in some time. 

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