Contributed by Healthians Team

Feeling occasional pangs of anxiety is a normal occurrence in our day-to-day life. Be it at work, at home, at school/college, or while traveling, any number of reasons or factors can trigger anxiety, which can range from mild to severe, depending upon the circumstances. People going through an anxiety episode can experience intense worry or highly elevated levels of stress that can easily disrupt their normal lives or daily routines. Generally, the nature of anxiety is temporary. If you are feeling anxiety before a competition is common among people but if you are feeling it continuously without any reason, it becomes an anxiety disorder. 

Anxiety interferes in normal life can be long-lasting if not treated on time. An anxiety disorder situation not adequately addressed or treated can include the repetition of restlessness, uncertainty, and even fear, which can rapidly escalate within minutes. Anxiety is generally considered to be an element of mental health and thus carries a certain level of stigma that makes it harder for people to talk about. 

But here at Healthians, we understand how crucial mental health is for your well-being and hence strive to bring the best information for you to become enlightened. To that effect, here are the five main anxiety disorder types you should look out for. 

Generalized Anxiety disorder

anxiety disorder

General Anxiety Disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is one of the foremost types of anxiety disorder that can occur at any age. It involves excessive worrying about lots of things at one time. People experiencing GAD may predict disaster and always concern about family, work, money, and health. It is difficult to control constant worry once you have undergone GAD. Feeling restless, being fatigued, difficulty in concentration, muscle tension, being irritable, and sleep problems are major symptoms of GAD. 

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Anxiety Disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is considered a mental illness that causes the repetition of thoughts, actions, and obsessions over and over again. Some people experience both compulsions and obsessions, either separately or both at the same time. Doctors are not sure about the causes of OCD. It has been seen in many forms such as fear of contamination (germophobia), checking surroundings and objects, repeatedly, addiction to symmetry and order, ruminations, and even intrusive thoughts. 

Social Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety Disorder

Social Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is considered a social phobia. People who experience SAD experience extreme fear to settle down in society. Bullying, family conflict, and sexual abuse are some of the major causes of SAD. This condition makes people feel hesitant about talking to people, joining social gatherings, and meeting new people. They have a fear of being judged and should not be confused with shyness. Although this condition can be disruptive to your social life at the same time, it does not affect your day-to-day basic activities, such as bathing, eating, etc. Blushing, nausea, excessive trembling, difficulty in speaking, dizziness, and rapid heart rate are symptoms of SAD. 

Post-traumatic stress disorder

Anxiety Disorder

Post-traumatic stress order

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition where a person who has undergone some traumatic event in the past starts feeling helpless and fearful. The effects of PTSD are more often than not, long-term and people may experience flashbacks of the traumatic events, anxiety, and even difficulty in sleeping. Events such as the death of a loved one, crimes, wars, and accidents can trigger PTSD and its effects remain for a long period unless diagnosed timely and the treatment begins.. even the event has been passed. Nightmares, fearful thoughts, refusing to discuss events, feeling tense and anxious all the time are also some of the major symptoms of PTSD. 

Panic disorder

Anxiety Disorder

panic disorder

Panic disorder is a certain type of disorder where a person continuously experiences sudden panic attacks. Statistically speaking, everyone experiences some form of a panic attack once in their life, from the mildest to the most severe. The actual cause behind the panic attacks is still unknown. Studies have shown that besides several sociological and day-to-day factors, genetics also play a vital role in someone being diagnosed with panic. Some life-altering transitions such as leaving school or college, getting married, or the prospect/early parenthood, are some of the major causes of panic disorder. Panic attacks occur suddenly without any warnings. Dizziness, shortness of breath, sweating, palpitations, chest pain, and tingling hands and feet are common symptoms of panic disorder.

The bottom Line

Experiencing anxiety is a major disorder that has become prevalent in this fast-moving day and age. It is not adding any value to our life. If you are someone who experiences anxiety, then you must consult with a doctor, immediately. Proper treatment of anxiety will be helpful to avoid certain severe mental health problems, Also, learning how to stop worrying constantly can also help you avert or manage anxiety disorder, effectively. 

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