Contributed by: Healthians Team


Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer that is observed in India among women. The chance of having breast cancer in a woman’s lifetime has increased to one in every 28 women (1 in 22 women in urban India and 1 in 60 women in rural India). 

Unfortunately, there are more breast cancer cases recorded each year, and they continue to rise.

An individual may feel helpless after a breast cancer diagnosis, but there are several things women can do to perhaps lessen their sense of helplessness during the treatment.

There are several ways that cancer experts suggest, that can enhance the efficacy of therapy.

Here are some effective ways to support cancer treatment:

Healthy eating habits

The success of breast cancer treatment has been related to a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. According to studies, eating mostly plant-based foods can lower your chance of getting breast cancer. 

In a health study, researchers examined the diet of a large group of women and discovered that those who said they had roughly three servings of fruits per day as teenagers had a 25% reduced risk of breast cancer than those who consumed fewer servings.

Maintaining good nutrition is crucial before, during, and after cancer treatment. Radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, biological immunotherapy, and/or surgery are a few examples of treatments that require energy and a good immune system

Many women can experience a loss of appetite and energy as a result of these therapies and medicines, which increases their risk of malnutrition.

Overall, aim to choose foods that will provide you with the right balance of calories (to help you maintain your weight), protein (to help rebuild tissues that cancer therapy may injure), nutrients like vitamins and minerals, and fluids (which are necessary for your body to function).


According to a study, yoga can benefit a cancer patient’s physical and emotional health. Yoga can lessen the adverse effects of the disease and its treatments even if it can’t treat cancer itself. 

According to health experts, yoga helps in:

  • Reducing cancer-related exhaustion
  • Enhancing your sleep to aid in recovery after cancer surgery
  • Reducing stress, fear, and depression

Yoga is a mind-body technique that has long been believed to help lower stress and increase flexibility. 

Find courses that can help you to begin with yoga basics. It will calm your mind and body and you will feel positive as the treatment journey progresses.


Cancer and its treatment can wreak havoc on your sleep cycle. 

Sleeping issues can be brought on by cancer symptoms or treatment’s side effects, which lowers the quality of life for cancer patients. 

Cancer can also cause long-lasting physical and psychological changes that make it difficult to fall asleep, even after the complete treatment. 

Maintaining a proper sleep cycle is one of the most important parts that need to be focused on during and after the cancer treatment. 

Even though cancer risk cannot be eliminated, getting enough sleep can support the treatment. 

Better sleep can make cancer patients feel better physically and emotionally, which will help them cope with the disease better.


Practising meditation regularly can help in managing a variety of health issues, as well as improve mood and sleep quality.

For some diseases, meditation can be clubbed with other complementary or “integrative” therapies that address the mind-body connection. 

According to research, meditation can help reduce pain, anxiety, and sadness.

Meditation has been proved to assist certain cancer patients with their worry, stress, and exhaustion as well as enhance their sleep quality and mood.

It is advised by health experts to practice meditation on regular basis to reduce negative emotions, generate patience and faith, and most importantly discover a new perspective during hard times.

Final thoughts

Undergoing breast cancer treatment is not an easy journey. A woman needs to be strong both mentally and physically during and after the treatment of breast cancer. 

Your chance of developing cancer can be decreased, and your heart health can be enhanced, by eating well and exercising as directed by your doctor or physician. 

Your brain’s endorphins, which contribute to happiness, are increased by exercise.  These happy endorphins keep you positive and motivated. 

Regular exercise can help lessen the signs and symptoms of moderate anxiety and sadness.

While following cancer treatment, it’s required to maintain a healthy diet. Regular exercise and a plant-based diet will assist the patient to maintain healthy body weight, retain their strength, and reduce side effects both during and after treatment.

Moreover, it is always a good idea to get a regular health checkup done as it gives you complete health insight.

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