Contributed by: Healthians Team


A fact sheet providing provisional information on snoring trends at the national level indicates that an estimated 45%of adults snore occasionally, while 25% snore on a regular basis. Around 22.0% of the country’s population self-reported having a snoring disorder.

In terms of numbers, it is projected that 51,344 people in India are affected with snoring disorder. Unfortunately, many people do not pay attention to snoring because they believe it is normal. However, snoring can be a sign of a variety of illnesses.

In this blog, we will cover more information on the severity, cause, and complications of this common sleep disorder.

FAQ #1: What is snoring?

Snoring is a raspy sound made by the nasopharynx (upper part of the nose) during sleeping. When you can’t breathe via your nose at night owing to a blockage, you breathe through your mouth, causing tissue vibrations and the snoring sound.

The sound varies in volume from barely audible to very loud. Snoring is frequently more bothersome to others than it is to the snorer; snorers rarely wake up to the sound of their own snoring.

FAQ #2: Is snoring a health disorder?

Snoring is frequently a sign of a sleep disorder. It encompasses a wide range of conditions, including upper airway resistance syndrome and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Each has a similar upper airway obstructive aetiology, although the degree of blockage and clinical effects differ. Sleep and/or airflow disorders are the most common clinical outcomes.

FAQ #3: Is snoring normal?

While it’s true that snoring is very common, it is certainly not normal, and often points to a bigger problem.

FAQ #4: Is snoring bad?

Snoring isn’t usually a severe issue until it occurs frequently. It’s largely a nuisance for your bed partner. However, if you snore for a long time, you not only disrupt the sleep patterns of others around you but also harm your own sleep quality. Snoring can be an indication of a medical condition such as obstructive sleep apnea.

FAQ #5: Is snoring every night bad?

If you snore every night, it’s a symptom that the air in your nose and throat isn’t moving freely, and your breathing pathways are obstructed in some manner.

FAQ #6: Does snoring mean bad sleep?

Snoring on its own is usually considered a harmless – albeit extremely disruptive – phenomenon, but for some people, it indicates a more serious underlying medical condition or sleep disorder.

FAQ #7: What are the causes of snoring?

Snoring can be caused by a number of factors, including:

FAQ #8: What are the medical conditions that may cause snoring?

  • Enlarged tonsils
  • A deviated nasal septum
  • Nasal polyps
  • Macroglossia
  • An enlarged soft palate
  • Lateral pharyngeal narrowing
  • Small or posteriorly displaced jaw
  • Chronic nasal congestion 
  • A weak palatal tissue

FAQ #9: What are the consequences of snoring?

Snoring can have significant consequences that include:

  • Frequent awakenings
  • Gasping or choking during sleep
  • Excessive daytime sleepiness
  • Morning headaches 
  • Weight gain
  • Wakening in the morning not feeling rested
  • Awaking at night feeling confused
  • Change in your level of attention, concentration, or memory

FAQ #10: What are the complications of snoring?

Although snoring has no known negative physiological effects, yet it is often the sign of a condition called obstructive sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea can have serious implications (such as hypertension, stroke, other cardiovascular problems, and diabetes).

FAQ #11: Why do obese people snore?

Snoring can be caused by obesity. This is owing to the presence of neck fat. When you lie down, the upper airway is compressed, making snoring more likely. The presence of abdominal fat also contributes to it.

FAQ #12: Do I need to be tested if I snore?

If you have no symptoms or signs of sleep disturbance other than snoring, you may not need to be tested. However, it is important that you should be clinically monitored for the development of such manifestations.

FAQ #13: When should I see a doctor about snoring?

A doctor should be consulted when snoring affects your ability to think clearly.

FAQ #14: What position is best to stop snoring?

One of the best positions for snoring is to sleep on your side. While many people are most comfortable sleeping on their backs, side sleepers snore less, so that is usually recommended.

FAQ #15: What to eat to stop snoring?

Some studies have evaluated that increasing the intake of melatonin in the body helps to control snoring. This is because melatonin makes one sleepy. Fruits like pineapples, oranges and bananas are rich in melatonin.

FAQ #16: What to drink before bed to stop snoring?

A study claims that drinking ginger and honey tea twice a day is perfect to get rid of the problem of snoring.

FAQ #17: What is the treatment of snoring?

The overall treatment to effectively combat snoring includes general measures to manage risk factors plus physical methods to open the airways and/or stiffen the involved structures, including:

  • Avoid alcohol 
  • Avoid and sedating drugs before bedtime
  • Sleep with the head elevated 
  • Lose weight
  • Quit smoking
  • Get enough sleep
  • Treat nasal congestion 
  • Keep your home neat and tidy, if snoring is due to a dust allergy

Final thoughts

Neglected snoring may become a big problem, as it can not only disrupt a person’s restful night and the lives of others around them, but it can also trigger other serious problems. The most important step to pave the way to better sleep is to appropriately determine the cause. Never put off treatment and always look after your health.

All of your efforts will pay off in the form of a restful and restful night’s sleep for your body! Also, by opting for regular health screenings, you can stay on top of your health condition and take preventive measures in the event that you are likely to be hit by a disease.

Also, by opting for regular health screenings, you can stay on top of your health condition and take preventive measures in the event that you are likely to be hit by a disease.

Book The Full Body Health Checkup Today!