Contributed by – Healthians Team

Figure this…

Your great-grandfather was 1 of 8 children. Your grandmother was 1 of 6 children, your mother is 1 of 4 children and you are 1 of 3 kids. You are planning to have at least 2 kids. Does this sound familiar?

There has been a dramatic change in fertility patterns — specifically in the number of children born, and the mean age of first-time mothers. Globally, women are having fewer children. Overall the mean childbearing age has advanced to over 30.

First things first…

Regardless of the reasons to delay marriage and postpone pregnancy, the increasing age of first-time motherhood presents significant problems.  This is because fertility starts to decline in women approaching 30 years of age.  Delaying the first birth also reduces the reproductive window for completing desired family size. Women of advanced maternal age who become pregnant are more likely to experience depletion in egg reserve and decline in its quality.

Yes, it’s a fact…

Declining egg quality and quantity with age are a well-established fact. But do you know that age is not the only reason that the number and quality of eggs decrease?

These are the additional problems…

If your ovaries are based in a body that is exposed to excess alcohol, smoking, poor dietary choices, toxic medicines, poor blood circulation, disturbed hormonal balance and stress, the health of your eggs is affected. Over time, your eggs can become metabolically fatigued with too much of the ‘bad stuff’ or too little of the ‘good stuff’. When the damage goes to a genetic level, it becomes difficult to reverse it.

[Also read – How to increase fertility: It all starts with egg quality]

The good news…

Forget about low AMH levels. Forget about your advanced age. The only thing you have to do is focus on improving your ovarian health — that’s it! If your ovarian health improves, it automatically restores your reproductive health and impacts the fertility outcome positively.

Women fertility - Healthians

Realize this fact…

The most important thing to remember is that you only need one healthy egg that is of good quality to make a baby. This is where the environment surrounding the egg is so important. If you can replenish the follicle (the environment surrounding the egg), you can improve the egg quality.

Consider this analogy: When a child is brought up in a supportive and responsive environment that promotes survival, growth, and development he/ she is more likely to use the opportunities and resources to thrive as compared to a child who comes from an abusive or neglected home. The right enabling environment is instrumental to a child’s development just as it is for an egg.

Serious food for thought…

An experienced gardener never disregards the impact soil has on the health of his plants. He knows that the plants will only be as good as the soil he grows them in. So he just provides a nutrient-dense diet at the correct time and setting for the plants to thrive. More importantly – he continues to make regular nutrient deposits to bring the soil back into balance.

This is common sense and wisdom…

If a gardener can set the right conditions for his seeds so that his garden does not struggle to reach its full potential, why can’t you?

[Also read – Infertility in women: What are the possible causes?]

Going by these facts…

The process of creating quality eggs is much like nature’s requirements for optimal conditions. What you sow, you reap. When you sow seeds in uncared-for soil, and then wait for them to grow, what happens — only weeds grow.

Likewise, to make better seeds (i.e. improve egg quality naturally) and prepare receptive soil — your ovarian environment needs to be free from inflammatory or hostile conditions. And that’s all that you need to become your most fertile self. Hereafter, start focussing on creating the right conditions in your body. And mind.

It bears repeating

Focus on feeding your body and mind with the right nutrients. There’s no better way to have the healthiest and most beautiful baby!

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