Contributed by: Healthians Team

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a difficult infection to treat, especially for women who are prone to recurring infections.

It is beneficial to be aware of this ailment so that you can successfully avoid and manage it. However, because urinary tract infection is one of the most common infections worldwide, it’s not unexpected that there are various myths regarding it.

Let’s separate the myths from the facts!

Myth #1: Only women can get a urinary tract infection


Women are more likely to have a urinary tract infection because of the short distance between the anus and the urethra. UTI-causing bacteria can easily migrate up the urinary canal, especially when the genital area is active. While over half of all women will get a UTI at some point in their lives, men can also develop urinary tract infections. Moreover, children, infants, pregnant women, and the elderly are also susceptible to urinary tract infections.

Myth #2: You can only get a urinary tract infection if you are sexually active


Although sexual activity can raise your chances of developing a urinary tract infection, there are numerous other ways to get a urinary tract infection. Sexual intercourse or any intercourse-like activity can indeed be a strong trigger for a UTI. Douching or having poorly controlled diabetes, for example, can induce the infection. The cause of a urinary tract infection is sometimes unknown.

Myth #3: A urinary tract infection can’t go away on its own


Bacteria infecting the urinary tract cause urinary tract infections. According to studies, 25-42% of women can recover from an uncomplicated urinary tract infection without the need for antibiotics. However, if left untreated, a urinary tract infection can turn into a dangerous illness. If you suspect you have a urinary tract infection, you should seek medical advice.

Myth #4: Drinking cranberry juice can prevent urinary tract infection


The cranberry comes out on top when it comes to home treatments for preventing and treating urinary tract infections (UTI). Its juice has long been recommended for avoiding urinary tract infections (urinary tract infections) because it contains proanthocyanidins, which prevent bacteria from adhering to bladder walls. However, studies have indicated that cranberry products are ineffective in preventing or treating urinary tract infections.

Myth #5: Taking probiotics can protect you from urinary tract infection


The data on probiotics restoring vaginal or gastrointestinal bacterial ecosystems is mixed. You can use it if you like, but the benefit is likely to be minor.

Myth #6: To prevent urinary tract infection, clean your vagina with soap and water


Cleaning the vaginal area with items does not help prevent a urinary tract infection and may upset the ph and bacterial balance. In the vaginal area, there is no need to wash, douche, or use cleansing wipes. Use soap and water to gently cleanse the outside of your genitals. Play safe and always wipe front to back.

Myth #7: If your urine is cloudy or has a strange odor, then you have a urinary tract infection


Contrary to popular belief among patients, the smell or appearance of urine by itself is not a reliable measure of infection. The clarity and smell of urine are not reliable indicators of a urinary tract infection because they are affected by how much water you drink and what you eat. 

Final thoughts

While a UTI may go away without treatment, it’s also possible that the infection will spread to your kidneys, causing significant and irreversible damage. It’s in your best interest to seek medical advice to ease those uncomfortable UTI symptoms.

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