Contributed by: Healthians Team


People are indeed changing with the times. In the modern era, women, especially have become more thoughtful about their dreams and passion. 

Planning a pregnancy is one such thing on which women have become openly opinionated and active.

Many couples nowadays are planning pregnancies in their 30s as they believe they are settled in terms of career, finances, and goals, and are mentally ready to take the responsibility of being a parent. 

Pregnancies after the 30s are normal for some people but in some cases, one needs to be more careful.

If you are planning pregnancy after 30 then there are some important health aspects which you need to know about. 

Many studies have shown that more people are now planning pregnancies in their 30s, especially in metropolitan areas. It has both pros and cons to planning pregnancy at a later age.

Pros of planning a pregnancy in the 30s

Financial stability

Many types of research have shown that financial instability causes stress and anxiety in couples and it impacts the child’s health also. 

Most women are now focusing on becoming financially independent and want to support their partners to run the house and men are also equally invested in household chores.  

A couple who is financially stable tends to have a happy family as they can arrange all the necessities for their new one. 

At the age of 30, the majority of people are earning well and they are now ready to give good medical facilities to both mother and the child.

So, having a strong hand in finances is going to support your pregnancy in your 30s. 

More confident about the child 

Anything that goes as per the plan makes us confident about its result and the consequences.

Planning a pregnancy after 30 is mostly the choice of the parents. Many women think that if they will have a child earlier they will have to sacrifice their career, their child might not get proper life or they are not ready. 

So after a certain age, a person becomes mature through their experiences and so their decision making becomes easier and wiser. 

Planning a family is a big decision and when both the parents are ready and confident about taking the responsibility for a child then, pregnancy becomes way more successful and satisfying. 

More chances to have twins

Couples over the age of 30 are more likely to give birth to twin babies. This happens because the levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) increase as we grow old. So medically there are more possibilities to conceive twins or multiples around this age.

Cons of planning a pregnancy in the 30s

Declined fertility 

As women grow old the quality of their eggs declines and they also fall in numbers. So it is medically proven that a woman in her advanced age (i.e in her 30s) faces difficulty in conceiving a child because of its dipping eggs and weak reproduction system. 

It is believed that a woman has the best chance to experience a safe and healthy pregnancy in her 20s. 

Lesser chance of conceiving and higher chances of miscarriage

Chances of miscarriage become higher with the increasing age of women. As a woman grow old the chromosomal abnormalities (abnormal karyotype) in their eggs also increase which lowers the fertility and increases the chances of not having a child or miscarriage. 

Poor health of the baby

Getting pregnant in the 30s puts the baby’s health at risk. Children who are born to older mothers are more likely to have issues such as down’s syndrome or a spinal cord defect. 

Gynaecologists perform the tests like amniocentesis and regular ultrasounds (pre-natal studies) to make sure that the baby is healthy and make the diet changes for the mother during pregnancy focusing on the baby’s health. 

Every mother has a different pregnancy journey. But there are some tips and habits all mothers can include in their routine if they are planning to have a baby in their 30s. 

Things to keep in mind if you are planning a pregnancy in your 30s

Here are some basic areas which should be focused on critically to have a healthy baby:

Lifestyle choices 

Most women and men are unaware that their lifestyle choices can affect their fertility. While planning a pregnancy, especially at a later age you need to be very careful with your habits, nutrition, weight, exercise, psychological stress, work environment and drug use and abuse. 

You must avoid and quit lifestyle factors such as cigarette smoking, illicit drug use, and alcohol and caffeine consumption as they affect severely the health of the baby and mother both during the pregnancy these habits also minimize the chances to have a successful pregnancy. 

Regular exercise

Regular exercise keeps the body and minds active and it also maintains the reproductive system. Studies have shown that vigorous exercise decreases the issue of ovulation and miscarriages. It helps the women who conceive a baby through ART to have a successful pregnancy.

Regular doctor consultations

Keep in touch with your doctor regularly. As the doctor monitors the growth of the baby regularly and can help you throughout the pregnancy. 

Your doctor will let you know how the baby is growing and what is the status of your health and what needs to be done to have a healthy child even in your 30s. 

Be sure about your medication 

If you are undergoing medical treatment and following medications, then you should consult your doctor to check the medicines.  Ask for relevant substitutes possible for your medicines during pregnancy. Never self-diagnose or try to become a self-doctor. It never works. 

Final thoughts

Having a child at any point in life is a beautiful thing. Don’t panic or think negatively if you are planning a pregnancy in your 30s. You are older and wiser, all you need to do is to be sure and confident about the decision. 

Over the years medical science has done so much of advancements that pregnancy at later ages has become very normal. Follow these basics to have a healthy baby and a calm pregnancy. 

As an add-on, make a habit of taking preventive health checkups as they can help you in getting a complete insight into your health. This will also help you with taking measures to promote your overall well-being. 

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