Contributed by – Healthians Team

Albumin is a protein made by the liver and is one of the most abundant proteins found in the blood.  A proper balance in albumin level in the blood keeps the fluid from leaking out of the blood vessels. Albumin also helps to nourish the tissues and transport essential substances like vitamins, minerals, and hormones throughout the body. A healthy liver transforms the protein a person ingests into albumin. When the liver is not functioning correctly, this process decreases and may lead to a drop in albumin levels.

The serum albumin test is performed to measure the amount of albumin in the blood. The chances of low albumin levels increase when the liver is not functioning properly due to diseases like jaundice and other symptoms like weight loss, unexplained fatigue and swelling around the belly, eyes or legs. whereas albumin higher than normal level is caused due to consumption of high protein food items.

Who should get a serum albumin test?

During routine full-body health checkups, if a doctor suspects any symptoms of liver diseases or kidney diseases, they order a serum albumin test. People who have ongoing kidney or liver diseases need this test because they are at higher risk of developing abnormal albumin levels. If the gastronomical tract doesn’t absorb nutrients properly or the individual has diarrhoea, it can lead to abnormal albumin levels and need this test.

Why is the serum albumin test needed?

The liver absorbs protein from the foods and converts them into new forms that deliver to different organs of the body. The serum albumin test is performed to check how efficiently the liver is working. If you have any liver diseases like hepatitis or cirrhosis, then your doctor may order a liver function test, which includes a serum albumin test along with other tests. Low albumin levels can indicate a problem with your liver or kidneys. 

For certain medical conditions like jaundice, unexpected weight loss, kidney diseases, and pancreatic cancer, a doctor may go for a serum albumin test to diagnose the health problems.

What does serum albumin test results mean?

This test comes with liver function tests or urine routine tests, or it can be performed individually as prescribed by doctors. The normal range of albumin level should be around 3.4 to 5.4 grams per deciliter.

Low albumin levels may be the sign of liver or kidney diseases because albumin is produced by the liver and absorbed by the kidney so that it is not released along with the waste products. 

High albumin levels may be a sign of dehydration or severe diarrhoea. Test results may vary because some laboratories use different techniques to analyze blood samples. There is no preparation needed before the test.

How is the serum albumin test done?

For an albumin test, the technician needs a blood sample of the respective person. First, the lab technician ties a band around the person’s upper arm to find the vein and rub the area with alcohol or some antiseptic liquid. Then they insert a needle into one of the visible veins to draw the blood and collect the blood sample. You may be required to fast (not eat or drink) for at least 8-10 hours before the test, but it is best to consult your doctor.

Check your albumin levels now!