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Stress is a natural process by which an individual responds to environmental demands called stressors that draw out the pattern of response from the person. These responses may be physiological, behavioral, cognitive, emotional, or a combination of these. Repeated experience of stress can cause raised blood pressure, heart rate, blood sugar, and reduce sex drive, etc. It can decrease testosterone levels and cause problems like erectile dysfunction. Here we are going to explore the connection between stress and sex

How stress can affect sex?

The stress reaction is intended to protect the body from a crisis by setting it up to respond rapidly, but if the body remains in that condition for a long time, then it can create health problems. Some problems it can cause are high blood pressure, insomnia, depression, headache, fertility problems, and low sex drive. High-stress levels can lead to anxiety also. Here are some stress factors that affect the sex drive. 

Hormone levels can affect sex

When anyone is under stress, the release of too much cortisol and epinephrine hormone can reduce sex drive. Your body uses sex hormones to meet the demand for increased stress hormone cortisol which is the prime cause of the loss of interest in sex.

Psychological aspects of stress

There is also a psychological aspect of stress which can result in mood swings and cause brain fog. The brain plays a vital role during sex and arouses someone during intercourse. If it is difficult to relax the brain, then it is also difficult for sex. 

Stress affects fertility

Stress can affect the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, and reproductive glands. It can also impact the menstrual cycle in women and reduce fertility in men. The impact on fertility due to stress can affect the sex drive and cause erectile dysfunction.

Low sex drive can also be due to some other problems like nervousness, fear of not performing well, and problems in your relationship. Some exercises can help manage stress and boost sexual stamina.

[Also read: know the signs that your body is under stress]

How can stress be managed?

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By knowing and understanding the health problem, any person can manage their stress levels. Here are some tips that can help to manage stress.

Exercise regularly

Exercise is the best way to relieve stress, boost your mood, stimulate the hormones, and boost the sex drive. Physical fitness can reduce stress and give a better outlook on life. Regular exercise can enhance the growth of blood vessels and improve the blood flow in genital areas. 

Understanding your partner

A constant busy schedule in the work-life can be the reason for tiredness and low energy. Talking with your partner before intercourse can help foster a better connection and also help in relaxing.

Caring for your health

It’s difficult to engage in intercourse if someone isn’t feeling good about themselves. Practicing self-care activities like a good diet to boost your sexual stamina, exercising, getting good sleep, practicing stress management techniques can help to manage the stress. Quitting harmful habits like smoking and drinking can be helpful for sex life and also enhance energy.

[Also read: Ways to get rid of morning stress

Talk to your doctor

There are several underlying medical issues like fatigue, depression, and chronic pain that can create stress. If you have tried everything to get out of stress, but it’s still affecting your life, then you should consult with your doctor

Stress levels can be different according to the lifestyle and depending upon the situation. If you are under constant stress, then it is advisable to look for help or go for stress-related tests. You can follow the techniques of stress management to bring down the anxiety and lift your sex drive. This can help to improve your overall health.

Feeling stressed lately? Get tested