Contributed by: Healthians Team


Diwali is just around the corner. It’s time to enjoy the festivities and have a great time with our loved ones. 

While the festive cheer makes us happy, it may also lead us to indulge mindlessly in festive sweets that we later come to regret. You are therefore advised to be extra careful while choosing festive foods, quantity sizes, and meal times. 

Avoiding foods high in calories and sweets is only one part of the diabetes challenge; other elements like inconsistent meal times, exercise, a lack of water intake, or lack of sleep may also have an effect on your regular blood sugar levels.

One must realise that maintaining good health requires living a healthy lifestyle that includes wholesome food and regular moderate physical exercise throughout the year.

But along with that comes the worry about managing blood sugar levels. Eat or not to eat, how much to eat, when to eat, and what to eat are all contentious issues. 

Here we are helping you with some tips that you should follow this Diwali to manage your blood sugar levels in an easy way.

Make your own sweets at home

Try making your own sweets by keeping attention to the quantities of sugar, fat, and carbohydrates used in their preparation. Limit your intake of namkeens, samosas, vadas, sweets, cakes, pastries, or processed foods. 

Maintain distance from maida and sugar. Instead of using a lot of sugar to make the besan laddoo sweet, try using khajur, honey or jaggery powder. 

Make sure to use nuts, dates, or black currants in place of sugar when making desserts to make them healthier.

Stay hydrated 

Drink enough water to stay hydrated because it will help in gut cleansing and make you feel full, which will encourage you to eat fewer junk foods. 

Regular water can also be flavoured by adding fresh fruit, mint, cucumber, and ginger. These detox drinks keep the skin glowing throughout the festive season and thus avoiding the chances of indigestion and dehydration.

Observe fat intake

Ghee, butter, cream, and cheese will regularly appear in your dish during the festive season. Instead of these ingredients, you can choose high-protein foods to maintain your feeling of fullness and prevent hunger. Stick to high-protein soups, and experiment with moringa, quinoa, buckwheat, oats, and turmeric-infused meal replacement smoothies.

Stay active 

Avoid remaining seated for a long period of time. If you can’t get to the gym right away, start your day with a brisk walk, jog, or run and count your steps. Avoid scheduling your workout for the evening because you may end up skipping it. On days when you have eaten more than normal, try to exercise for a longer period of time.

Healthy cooking tips

Use healthier oils, such as olive and canola oil, if you decide to add fat to your cooking. Likewise, consider these suggestions for lowering the quantity of fat used for cooking. To reduce hidden fats, use lean meats, and low-fat dairy products because they include the necessary long-chain fatty acids and other beneficial elements. 

Nuts, seeds, seafood, soy, olives, and avocados are all better choices.

Instead of frying your meal, opt to steam, bake, grill, braise, boil, or microwave it. 

Final thoughts 

India is a diverse nation with various religions as well as a vast range of festivals. We are in a season of celebrations and feasting with our loved ones. 

One must realise that maintaining good health requires living a healthy lifestyle that includes wholesome food and regular, moderate physical exercise throughout the year. Your health doesn’t improve as a result of those few days of control and discipline but it requires you to be consistent with whatever you are doing. 

Remember, it’s not what you eat during the festivities that defines your health; it’s how consistently you make good decisions all year long! See the difference by following the above healthy eating suggestions!

Furthermore, you should also undergo preventive health checkups. These health checkups give a complete report about your health, allowing you to take necessary precautionary measures to improve your well-being and keep various ailments at bay.

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