Contributed by Healthians Team

Your skin contains pores that can get blocked by bacteria, dirt, oil, and dead skin cells if not maintained properly. Due to the blockage of pores, your skin develops pimples on your body. If the pimples on your skin aggravate, they can mutate into acne, which can occur anywhere on your body. Generally, it appears on the shoulders, back, face, neck, and chest. 

Acne commonly occurs at the time of puberty but it can develop at any stage of life (including infants) and any gender. Although acne is not considered a life-threatening disease, yet if left untreated, it can cause serious skin infection.  

Symptoms of acne

For proper acne treatment, you have to first identify the symptoms, some of which include:


acne treatment

Whiteheads are called closed comedones that occur when a pore is blocked by dead skin cells and sebum. In the case of whiteheads, the surface of the pore closes and the rest of the part remains open. Generally, it looks like a tiny bump sticking out from the skin. The whiteheads are arduous to treat because the pores on your skin are already closed. 


acne treatment

Blackheads are called open comedones that occur when a pore is blocked by a combination of dead skin cells and sebum. The surface of the pore remains open but the rest of the part is blocked. Due to this, blackheads develop on your skin. 


acne treatment

Papules occur on your skin when the boundaries around the pores break down due to severe inflammation. In this scenario, blocked pores become hard but are sensitive to touch. They can open if scratched by fingers and can be of various colors, including red, purple, brown, and pink. The diameter of the papule is less than 5 millimeters. When papules accumulate pus, they become a pustule. Mostly, all the papules become pustules within a few days, if left untreated or ignored. 


acne treatment

Nodules produce on your skin when pores become blocked and swollen. Such pores endure irritation and further grow larger. In the case of nodules, they are deeper underneath the skin so it becomes difficult to treat them at home. You may require some medications to remove them from your skin. Consulting a dermatologist will be helpful for the proper treatment of nodules.


acne treatment

Cysts develop in your body when pores are blocked by a combination of sebum, dead skin cells, and bacteria. The blockage happens deep inside the skin and further down the surface of pores. Cysts become red or white bumps that are sensitive and painful to touch. The largest form of acne is cysts and their occurrence on the skin can lead to a serious skin infection. In severe conditions, your dermatologist may remove your cysts surgically. 

Causes of acne

Each pore on your skin opens to a follicle. The follicle is made up of hair and an oil gland. The oil gland produces sebum which flows up the hair, outside the pore, and on your skin. Basically, this sebum lubricates your skin and keeps it soft. If the natural lubrication process of the skin is interrupted, then it can lead to acne. The interruption can be caused by: 

  • if your follicles produce too much oil
  • if dead skin cells are accumulated in your pores
  • if bacteria develop in your pores

Risk factors for developing acne


Following are the risk factors of acne: 

  • People of all ages can experience acne. However, it is most common in teenagers. 
  • Family history or genetics can play a major role in acne
  • Oily substances can develop acne when your skin receives some body cream or body lotions. 
  • Friction or pressure on your skin such as helmets, tight collars, telephones, and backpacks. 

How to prevent acne?

To prevent acne on your body is difficult but the following are some steps that would be helpful for yourself after treatment. These steps include:

  • Wash your face twice or thrice a day with an oil-free cleanser
  • Use acne cream to remove excessive oil
  • Avoid makeup that contains oil
  • Remove makeup before going to bed
  • Clean your skin thoroughly
  • take shower after a workout
  • Avoid tight-fitting clothing
  • Eat healthy diet
  • Reduce stress

The bottom Line

Consult with a dermatologist to know more about the steps you can take to avoid or if developed, treat acne. Acne leaves scars on your body that persist for a long period of time. Proper treatment of acne can be helpful to prevent scars and other skin infections. so it is always advisable to have a proper health checkup on time.

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