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What is Testosterone test?

Testosterone, also known as serum testosterone, total testosterone, free testosterone and bioavailable testosterone, is the key sex hormone present in males. Testosterone causes the growth of body hair, muscle development and deepening of the voice in your male child after he attains puberty. In adult males, it is responsible for controlling sex drive, maintenance of muscle mass and sperm production. Females also have testosterone but in very less amounts.

A testosterone test measures the level of testosterone present in your bloodstream. Most of it is attached to the proteins present in the blood. Testosterone which is not attached to a protein is called free testosterone. There are two categories of testosterone tests. Total testosterone which measures the amount of both attached and free testosterone hormone and free testosterone which measures free testosterone present in your body. Free testosterone test can provide more information about certain medical ailments. Both scenarios, too low or too high testosterone levels can cause health problems in males and females.

Who should get the test?

You might require this examination if you have signs of abnormal testosterone levels (T Levels). In the case of adult males, it is suggested if there are signs of low T levels. In the case of women, it is suggested if there are signs of high T levels. Signs of low T levels in men are low sex drive, trouble getting an erection, development of breast tissue, fertility problems, hair loss, weak bones and loss of muscle mass. Signs of high T levels in women are excessive hair growth on body and face, deepening of the voice, menstrual irregularities, acne and weight gain. Boys might also require a testosterone levels test due to delayed puberty which is a symptom of low T and early puberty which is a symptom of high T.

Why is the test needed?

This exam might be used to identify numerous conditions such as decreased sex drive and infertility in both men and women. If you are a male, you might experience erectile dysfunction and tumours of testicles. Your male adolescent child might have an early or delayed puberty. If you are a female, you might get excessive hair growth on body and face coupled with irregular menstrual cycles.

What does the testosterone test results mean?

Results vary depending upon whether you are a male, female or an adolescent boy. If you are a male, then high T levels might indicate the presence of a tumour in your testicles or adrenal glands. Whereas low T levels might mean a genetic or chronic disease or a problem with your pituitary gland.

If you are a female, high T levels may indicate a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) which is a common hormone disorder. It is one of the main causes of female infertility. It might also indicate cancer of the ovaries or adrenal glands. Low T levels are normal in females but very low levels might indicate Addison disease which is a disorder of the pituitary gland.

In the case of adolescent boys, high T levels can indicate cancer in the testicles or adrenal glands. Whereas low T levels could mean an injury in the testicles. Not all abnormal results need medical attention as certain medicines and alcohol can also impact your levels.

People have different levels of testosterone within this healthy range.

Infants and children


MALE (in ng/dl) FEMALE (in ng/dl)

0 to 5 months

75-400 20-80
6 months to 9 years Less than 7-20

Less than 7-20

10 to 11 years Less than 7-130

Less than 7-44



MALE (in ng/dl) FEMALE (in ng/dl)

12 to 13 years

Less than 7-800 Less than 7-75
14 years Less than 7-1200

Less than 7-75

15 to 16 years 100-1200

Less than 7-75



MALE (in ng/dl) FEMALE (in ng/dl)

17 to 18 years



19 years and older 240-950


How is the test done?

You don’t need to prepare for a testosterone levels test. The sample collection technician will take a blood sample from a vein in your arm and this procedure usually takes less than five minutes.

Take the testosterone test