Contributed by Harleen Kaur


Diabetes is a severe and enduring lifestyle illness. A substantial number of people worldwide are impacted by diabetes nowadays. The major contributors to diabetes are unhealthy eating patterns, erratic lifestyles, stress, and obesity. The symptoms and effects are, nevertheless, reduced by routine blood sugar testing, medicine, and lifestyle changes.

A low-carb diet has been widely used to treat diabetes because it is effective at reducing blood sugar levels. A study found that type 2 diabetes patients who followed a low-carb diet for six months were able to manage their diabetes quite well.

One of the best strategies to keep diabetes under control is to continue eating low-carbohydrate foods and in this article, we are helping you with some valuable tips to adopt a low-carb diet. 

Benefits of a low-carb diet

Weight loss

Being overweight and obese can cause diabetes. According to a study, a low-carb diet effectively leads to weight loss and controls obesity. You feel fuller for a longer period of time when you follow a low-carb diet that includes dense dietary fibres.

It thus discourages binge eating. Furthermore, foods low in carbohydrates are great suppliers of potassium. As a result, it controls your body’s fluid balance.

Low-carb diet safeguards the brain

Yes, carbs are essential for maintaining a healthy brain. But a low-carb diet can also help you with the same results. When you go on a low-carb diet or starve yourself, your brain activates the ketones in the brain which allows the brain to stick to a low-carb diet.

Reduces triglycerides

Similar to extra sugar, extra calories from carbohydrates in your diet are changed into triglycerides and stored in fat cells.

It should come as no surprise that low-carb diets have been associated with decreased blood triglyceride levels. Researchers have discovered that people who follow low-carb diets usually experience a drop in triglyceride levels within 6, 12, and 24 months respectively. 

Low-carb foods that you can add to your diet


The majority of vegetables are low on carbohydrates. Particularly green vegetables and leafy greens, but they are rich in fibre content. It is recommended by experts that you can add green vegetables to your low-carb diet to manage diabetes.     


Despite the fact that many fruits are nutrient-dense, low-carb dieters find them to be very challenging to add to the diet. According to research, fruits contain more carbohydrates than veggies do.

If you want to limit your fruit intake to 1 to 2 pieces each day, depending on how many carbs you want to consume. It’s recommended to eat low-sugar berries, such as strawberries and berries. 

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are highly recommended by nutritionists if you want to go on a low-carb diet. Nuts have low carbohydrate content but high levels of protein, fibre, and other minerals to provide you with enough nutrition.

While seeds can add crunch to salads or recipes, nuts can be frequently consumed as snacks.

Additionally, you can replace your regular flour at home with nut and seeds flour, such as almond flour, coconut flour, and flaxseed flour.

Final thoughts 

When maintaining or changing your diet as a diabetic, you must consult a health professional. 

In addition to helping you choose the ideal low-carb diet, a health professional can help you clear any doubts,  whether it’s about the right food to choose or about the side effects of limiting your carb intake. Diabetes management not only requires a low-carbohydrate diet but also regular medication, and a regular exercise routine. 

Low carb diet not only helps you manage your blood pressure, sugar, and cholesterol levels but also helps you lose weight and lowers your triglycerides.

Low carb diet is a great way to improve your diabetic condition and your overall health.

Furthermore, you should also undergo preventive health checkups. These health checkups give a complete report about your health, allowing you to take necessary precautionary measures to improve your well-being and keep various ailments at bay.

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