We’re more than just bones and blood vessels, we’re human beings with a heart. And where there’s a heart, there’s emotions. We feel sad, we feel happy, we feel calm,…
Sometimes you might want to put your site behind closed doors If you’ve got a publication that you don’t want the world to see yet because it’s not ready to launch, you can hide your Ghost site behind a simple shared pass-phrase.
In a world that often fixates on the outward appearance rather than inner health, the profound impact of obesity and high visceral fat on our well-being often lurks in the…
Picture this. You have a wedding or party ahead of you. So, the last thing you would want to have is a bloated stomach that day. But it is very…
A good hair day equals a good day. Doesn’t it? Good hair can give you confidence like nothing else. So, how would you like to have it every day? That…
Picture this, you have been sleeping at 1 am every night all your life. But today, you decide that you’ll fix your sleep schedule and go to bed at 10…
You may have heard of intermittent fasting in the past. The kind of fast you don’t have to keep up with the whole day but 12-14 hours. You may also…
When it comes to weight training, the most dominant image in the head is of a man lifting weights. Gladly, the scenario is changing gradually. Gone are the days when…
There are two types of people in the world: one – who exist to eat and the second, those who eat to exist. You can either be in Category 1…
Do you always feel that the day has shortened to 8 hours? Do you find yourself exhausted and tired all day even when you have done nothing other than just…
Picture this. You have started your fitness journey. You have started to take fitness matters and your health in your own hands. You exercise for 20 minutes on day 1…
Whether it is to improve your body composition in your 20s or build strength and stamina in your 30s or 40s, having muscle mass is of utmost importance. You may…
You have to overcome obstacles when you have to achieve your dreams. And if your dream is to have clean and clear and radiant skin, you have to overcome a…
Sunscreen, water and good food are your skin’s best friends. They are a powerful trio that can keep your skin radiant, healthy and glowing. Not the expensive toners and face…
Let’s begin this post with a question. What do you do at midnight? If you’re in bed, sleeping, you’re doing well. But if you belong in the second category of…
Life is difficult for everybody. But perhaps it becomes more difficult for those who have migraines. Every day goes by when you are struggling to tolerate migraines. The pain is…
In today’s fast-paced work environment, getting a decent night’s sleep is frequently sacrificed in the pursuit of success. Many professionals now wear their lack of sleep as a badge of…
Picture this: the aroma of spices wafting from the kitchen, a steaming plate of biryani, a platter of delectable samosas, and the sweet allure of gulab jamun. Indian cuisine is…
The use of tattoos for body modification has been around for thousands of years. Tattoos have traditionally been used to indicate social status, mark a rite of passage, or express…