Contributed by Healthians Team


It can be challenging to manage the uncomfortable and painful condition of vaginal itching. Several factors, including vaginal dryness, the use of chemical irritants, and dull razors, can lead to its occurrence. But in some situations, it may even be caused by medical disorders like bacterial vaginosis or sexually transmitted infections.

There are numerous disorders that might cause vaginal itching. Vaginal dryness or chemical irritants, including those found in scented soaps, maybe the reason. Other conditions such as a yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, a sexually transmitted infection (STI), or something else may also trigger itching.

The irritation on the skin around the vagina, however, may be caused by eczema or other skin problems, but a yeast infection usually is a more common reason for the itchiness. 

These 5 straightforward natural cures will help you bring relief.

What causes vaginal itching? 

Several infections are usually the reason for itching and irritation of the vagina. In the following conditions, vaginal discharge is also present along with vaginal irritation:

  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
  • Yeast infection in the vagina
  • Biologic vaginosis

The other reasons for vaginal irritation and discharge are:

  • Oestrogen deficiency, and menopause (end of menstruation)
  • A tampon or neglected object in the vagina
  • Use of everyday products like detergents, fabric softeners, feminine sprays, creams, lotions, contraceptive foams, or creams that include chemicals.

Some home remedies for vaginal itching include: 

Tea tree oil and coconut oil

To reduce itching and irritation in the vagina, apply heated coconut oil. You can also soak the pelvic region in a warm water bath including a few drops of tea tree oil. Tea tree oil should be used with care because excessive use could result in a burning feeling.

Bathing with baking soda 

Using baking soda during a bath can ease skin irritation and assist in treating yeast infections. According to a study, baking soda contains antifungal characteristics that can destroy the micro-organisms causing discomfort. 

You may apply a paste of baking soda to the affected part of the skin or add 1/4 cup to a bucket of water for your bath.

Greek yoghurt 

Yeast infections can frequently be treated at home using Greek yoghurt. Yoghurt with probiotics encourages the development of good bacteria in the vagina. This bacterium can eliminate some yeast while preserving the health of the vagina.

According to research, utilising a yoghurt suppository may aid in preventing these infections.

Cotton lingerie

If you experience any type of vaginal or vulvar discomfort, cotton underwear can be helpful. Since cotton undergarments are breathable, they can help in easing irritation and skin disorders.

Since yeast develops in poorly ventilated spaces, wearing 100% cotton underwear may help prevent yeast infections.

Rinse with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is considered a miracle cure for vaginal itching since it has very strong antifungal and antibacterial properties. It is said to balance the PH level of the vagina and therefore a great remedy for relief.

Half a cup of apple cider vinegar can be mixed in your bath water and you can either soak or rinse the area for relief.  


An itchy vagina can be avoided and treated by maintaining adequate vaginal hygiene.

When it comes to cleansing your vagina and vulva, sometimes less is more. You only need to wash the vulva, or exterior of your vagina, with some warm water because your vagina naturally cleans itself. Avoid using fragrance-free soaps, gels, and cleansers. Additionally, you should stay away from anything marketed as feminine hygiene or intimate cleansers. Only use vaginal moist wipes as directed by your doctor.

According to some studies, soaping and excessive washing of the vulva and vagina can actually cause more itchiness. Vaginal irritation, allergic reactions, and infections can all be brought on by soaps and fragrances that are made using chemicals and preservatives.

What to avoid

When it comes to treating vaginal itch, the internet is filled with a lot of incorrect advice that may harm more than do any good. 

Here are things you should never do:

Douches and feminine care products

Many feminine hygiene sprays have fragrances and other chemical substances that can irritate the sensitive skin surrounding the vagina and vaginal region and make itchy and inflamed conditions worse.

Most medical professionals also advise against douching. Douching can alter the normal vaginal PH balance and flora (the bacteria that live there)  and lead to irritation and itchiness. 

Fragranced laundry detergents

Generic chemicals and perfumes found in detergents are also common reasons for genital irritation. Check the ingredients on any soap you use for bathing or for your laundry. If it contains harsh chemicals and related components, try to avoid the same or make sure your clothes, particularly your undergarments are thoroughly rinsed to get rid of the chemicals.

Final thoughts  

We could probably rattle off a list of ways to keep our hearts healthy or reduce the chances of cancer and other illnesses. But Vagina, a women’s private part, is often ignored by a large number of people as they do not even know the basics of maintaining good vagina health.

Basic maintenance of the vagina is not that much complicated, however, the payoff is big-no matter how old you are. 

Luckily, the vagina is an amazing organ that not only helps bring life into the world but also plays a key role in self-healing and cleaning by balancing the pH level and healthy microorganisms on its own. 

Give your sex life a boost, lessen your chances of uncomfortable infections, spot early signs and symptoms of cervical cancer, and many more. Sound pretty great, right?

Furthermore, it would be best if you also underwent preventive health checkups. These health checkups give a complete report about your health, allowing you to take necessary precautionary measures to improve your well-being and keep a host of ailments at bay.

Book The Full Body Good Health Test Today!