Contributed by – Healthians Team

What is iron serum test?

An iron serum test measures the amount of iron in your serum. The serum is the liquid portion of your blood that is left after red blood cells and clotting factors have been removed. 

Iron is an essential nutrient needed by the body for the healthy production of red blood cells. It is also an important part of haemoglobin, a protein which carries oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body.

Having abnormal levels of iron in the blood can lead to serious health consequences. Therefore, determining if you have too low or too high iron content in your blood can help you avoid any mishap.

Who should get an iron serum test?

Your doctor may order an iron serum test if you exhibit any of the following symptoms:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Weakness
  • Headaches
  • Pale skin
  • Chest pain
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Abdominal pain
  • Brittle nails
  • Joint pain
  • Organ damage


Why is the iron serum test needed?

Our bodies cannot produce iron. It must be absorbed from foods or supplements we eat. Once absorbed, most of it is transported throughout the body and the remainder is stored in the tissues.

When your body’s demand for iron is not being met, then the iron level in the blood drops and the iron stores are depleted. The reason could be:

  • A diet low in iron
  • Body’s inability to absorb iron from the food
  • Body’s increased need for iron

Having low levels of iron in the blood may eventually lead to iron deficiency anaemia. And symptoms may appear only when the condition has progressed. 

On the other hand, having too much iron in the blood isn’t healthy for the body either. Absorbing too much iron from the food than the body needs can lead to its progressive accumulation and may eventually damage the organs like liver, heart and pancreas. 

The iron serum test is usually performed with other tests like serum ferritin, transferrin and total iron-binding capacity. These tests together help better understand the iron levels in the body.

What does the iron serum test result mean?

The normal range for iron serum test is considered to be 60-170 mcg/dL.

Remember that this range is just for your reference and each lab may have its own slightly varying range. Therefore, always get your test reports checked by a doctor to correctly understand what they mean for you.

Nonetheless, having too much iron in your body (iron overload) could mean that you have consumed too much iron. This may lead to – 

  • Haemolytic anaemia
  • Liver disorders
  • Iron poisoning

And, abnormally low iron levels (iron deficiency) could mean that either you are not consuming enough iron or your body is not able to absorb it. It may also indicate – 

  • Anaemia
  • Pregnancy
  • Gastrointestinal blood loss

How is the iron serum test done?

A small sample of your blood is needed to perform the iron serum test. It is usually collected from a vein in your arm. The process is simple, quick and relatively painless. Any kind of special preparation like fasting is not needed before the test. However, if you have any pre-existing medical condition or take any medicine regularly, then inform your doctor about those in advance as they can influence your test results.

Take the iron serum test