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What is the SGOT test?

The SGOT (serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase) test is a simple blood test that is a part of a group of liver function tests called a liver panel. It helps to evaluate how well the liver is functioning by measuring the levels of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) in the blood. AST is an enzyme (protein) predominantly found in the heart and liver cells and, to a lesser extent, in the kidneys and muscles. These enzymes reside within various tissues of the liver in normal circumstances. The body uses aspartate aminotransferase to break down food into energy

However, when the liver is injured or damaged for any reason, it puts more AST into your bloodstream, and your levels rise. Elevated levels of this enzyme can therefore indicate a problem, such as liver damage.  An SGOT test (or AST test) can help to find out how much of the liver enzyme is in the blood.

Who should get this test?

Get yourself tested if you have any persistent signs or symptoms as below:

  • yellowish discolouring of skin or eyes (jaundice)
  • abdominal pain and swelling in the belly
  • extreme tiredness, weakness
  • disorientation (confusion and uncertainty)
  • loss of appetite
  • itchy skin
  • dark-coloured urine
  • light-coloured stool
  • swelling in legs and ankles, bruises, etc.

Apart from these symptoms, there are certain risk factors of liver disease and the doctor may suggest having this test if you:

  • are exposed to hepatitis A, B or C
  • consuming excessive alcohol
  • have a family history of liver disease
  • are obese
  • have diabetes
  • have pre-existing medical conditions
  • are taking certain medications

That said, it is important to remember that regardless of the cause of elevated AST levels, it is important to work with your doctor to find and address the underlying cause.


Why is the test needed?

Your doctor may recommend the SGOT test:

  • To measure your liver enzymes and identify if you have liver disease.
  • To check liver damage due to alcoholism or drugs
  • As part of routine blood work.

If you test positive for high levels of liver enzymes, your doctor will order additional tests like ALT, Bilirubin test and to identify the cause of the inflammation.

What does the test result mean?

Normal Result:

Normal value ranges are:

Males: 10 to 40 units per litre (U/L)

Females: 9 to 32 U/L

What Abnormal Results Mean

Table1. High AST levels may point out to the following conditions:

Slightly high AST levels may be caused by: Moderately high AST levels may be caused by: Very high AST levels can be caused by:
Cirrhosis Liver disease Acute viral hepatitis
Drugs Overdose(aspirin and sleeping tablets) Vitamin A overdose Drug Overdose (acetaminophen)
Alcoholism Alcoholism Sepsis
Cirrhosis Liver Cancer
Kidney damage
Blockage of the bile ducts
Muscle damage


How is the test done?

SGOT testing is done by drawing a blood sample from a vein that can technically be done without any special preparation. You may have to avoid eating or drinking for several hours or overnight before the test. Some drugs can modify the protein levels in your blood. Your health care provider may instruct you to stop taking certain over-the-counter (OTC) medications that affect the test. It’s a good idea to drink extra water the day before your blood draw. When the body is properly hydrated, veins allow easier access.

Take the SGOT test now