Contributed by: Healthians Team


Monsoon makes each one of us happy and joyous with rain and rainbows.

With the arrival of monsoon comes the threat of diseases like dengue, chikungunya, viral, bacterial and vector-borne infections. 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), dengue is endemic in almost one-third of the world’s population, which implies that over 2.5 billion individuals are continually at risk of contracting the disease.

Around 50 million of them will get infected, and about 25,000 will die.

Dengue infections have steadily increased in India, with states like Haryana, Delhi, Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Maharashtra. Chandigarh and Rajasthan have the highest illness burden.

It is important to avoid contracting the illness by controlling mosquito breeding and by dressing in clothing that completely covers your body to avoid mosquito bites.

Here are the effective tips that will help you prevent dengue this monsoon:

Use mosquito repellants and killers

It is important that you develop a habit of using mosquito repellents regularly. You should use insect repellents to avoid infections spread by mosquitoes.

The prevention of bites, skin irritations, and rashes that may result from a mosquito bite is another benefit of insect repellents.

Dengue can be prevented with proper and regular use of mosquito repellent before going out. These repellents and killers comprise elements which kill the mosquito or prevent them to bite us. 

So next time before leaving the house make sure you not only apply deodorant but also apply mosquito repellent.

Wear full clothes

We all love monsoon weather and always plan to go out and enjoy monsoon showers.

Monsoon humidity gives rise to a number of mosquitoes that cause dengue and other diseases. 

One of the most important preventions against mosquito bites and dengue is to wear full sleeve clothes, especially outdoors. 

By doing this, you may reduce the amount of skin that is exposed, protecting yourself from mosquito bites. 

Your clothes will work as a strong shield against the army of mosquitoes waiting for you.

Keep the dustbins covered

Dustbins and bowls that are filthy attract mosquitoes and put you at risk of contracting an illness.

Additionally, keep your home’s corners and the areas surrounding your garden space tidy.

Take immunity-boosting diet

It is important that you take a proper nutrition-packed diet.  If a person’s immunity is robust, there are low possibilities of them surrendering to any sickness. 

So maintain a nourishing diet, and you can also try having immunity-boosting supplements.

Spinach, almonds, turmeric, ginger, citrus foods, garlic, yoghurt, etc. are some highly recommended immunity-boosting foods. 

Avoid standing water

When the water begins to pool. mosquitoes lay eggs. This is the main reason that mosquitoes and other bugs multiply during the rainy season. 

Cleaning out plant pots, buckets, and other containers where water might accumulate would be an excellent preventative measure.

Do not overwater plants that might serve as a breeding ground for dengue mosquitoes.

Keep doors and windows closed

Every year, dengue fever incidences rise during the monsoon season. Therefore, it is best to eliminate mosquitoes from your home. 

To keep mosquitoes out of your home, keep your doors and windows closed as much as you can.

Mosquitoes typically breed in dimly lit areas. To keep mosquitoes away, let the light shine through the windows all day.

Ensure cleanliness at home and in surroundings

Check to see if your home is tidy and clean. Mosquito breeding can be controlled with regular cleaning.

Another successful way for preventing mosquito bites is deep cleaning with disinfectants and floor cleaners. 

The drums, pots, vases, and tyre should be completely dry. Keep a lid on the water storage buckets.

Plants kept indoors in water should have the water changed frequently.

Final thoughts

It is important to maintain the balance between fun and health. Monsoons are meant to be cherished and enjoyed fully.

Dengue is one of the biggest threats every year when the monsoon arrives. 

There are many ways which can help you avoid the risk of dengue.

Here we have mentioned the 7 most effective tips that will help you avoid getting caught by dengue. 

Moreover, dengue does not have a particular treatment, thus it is crucial to receive appropriate medical screening when the symptoms are identified.

Get Checked For Dengue Today!