Contributed by: Healthians Team


Ever wondered how toxic substances are flushed out of the body even when you’ve not made any special efforts? Well, such important roles are played by two bean-shaped organs, about the size of a closed fist, located at the back of the body above the waist and under the ribs. Yes! You guessed it right, they are your ‘kidneys’.

Kidneys synchronize several functions essential for a healthy you, including the production of the activated form of vitamin D, absorbing calcium for building bones and muscles, filtering approximately 180 litres of blood every day, mass-production of red blood cells, regulating the blood pressure, and flushing out waste products, excess water, & other toxic substances out of the body. 

Thus, prioritizing kidneys health is crucial for your general well-being and overall health. In this article, we’ll take you through the 7 essential tips for keeping this vital organ healthy.

Increase water intake, but don’t overdo it

Water is extremely beneficial for promoting kidneys health as it helps in removing sodium and other toxins which reduces the risk of chronic kidney ailments. You must have heard that a person should drink eight glasses of water every day. It might sound cliche, but it is a good tip that encourages you to stay hydrated. 

However, the amount of water a person should drink largely depends on various factors such as climate, gender, exercise, overall health, kidney ailments (if any), and/or pregnancy. Aim to drink at least two litres of water every day to reduce the chances of kidney complications.

Maintain a healthy diet

Some studies prove that kidney ailments mostly arise due to underlying conditions like cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, or diabetes. Consuming foods that help promote overall well-being can bring about huge changes in the kidney’s health. These food items include cauliflower, blueberry, egg white, garlic, buckwheat, olive oil, cabbage, bell pepper, onion, and pineapple.

Exercise regularly

Exercising regularly has several more benefits than just keeping your weight under control. It helps manage your blood pressure and uplifts your heart health which helps in protecting the kidney from ailments.

Staying physically active also decreases the chances of developing chronic kidney diseases. In case you have not been working out for a long time or have been physically inactive, start exercising at a slow pace and then increase the pace gradually with time.

Monitoring blood sugar levels

A diabetic person or a person with high blood sugar levels are more prone to kidney complications. This happens when the kidneys are forced to function hard to filter blood as the body finds it difficult to utilize glucose (sugar) in your blood for energy.

If the condition is left untreated for a prolonged duration, it can even become life-threatening in some cases. Thus it is mandatory to monitor and take measures to control blood sugar levels to reduce the risk of kidney damage.

Keep your blood pressure in check

High blood pressure can give rise to illnesses, such as diabetes, heart disease, or high cholesterol levels, which can potentially damage the kidneys.

The blood pressure is considered healthy when the reading is 120/80 and in case the reading is consistently above 140/90, it signifies high blood pressure. Making lifestyle changes and seeking medical attention can help improve your health and manage the condition effectively.

Quit Smoking

Smoking is one of the leading causes of several chronic illnesses including kidney complications because the habit causes slower blood flow throughout the body. Smoking is also one of the most prominent causes of cancer. The threat to kidney’s health is reduced when you quit smoking, and non-smokers are less prone to developing the condition.

Get regular health checkups

If you have been following a sedentary lifestyle, it’s time to bring about changes to improve your health and reduce the risk of kidney damage or kidney diseases. Getting regular health checkups helps identify a host of medical issues, including kidney ailments and enables you to take preventive measures. Regular screening can benefit anyone, especially the following people in reducing the risk of kidney complications:

  • People aged 60 or above
  • People who have cardiovascular diseases or have a family history of such ailments
  • Those who are obese
  • People who experience kidney complication symptoms
  • Those who suffer high blood pressure or have a family history of the same

A regular kidney function test provides a comprehensive insight into kidney’s health and enables you to stay ahead of any complication by taking preventive measures to slow or prevent future kidney damage.

Final thoughts

Kidneys are one of the most vital organs of the body that plays a major role in maintaining your overall well-being. Following the aforementioned seven tips for healthy kidneys can help you with managing existing kidney complications and preventing future occurrences.

Get Your Kidneys Checked Today!

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