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Vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet, every nutritionist, doctor, or health practitioner would generally advise you to get a good serving of a variety of vegetables in order to keep healthy and fit. People who eat veggies as a part of their daily diet are usually at reduced risk of serious medical conditions because vegetables are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. While vegetables are considered healthy and nutritious, there are certain vegetables that are categorized as ‘nightshades’ which are supposed to be harmful. 

Nightshade vegetables are from the plant family of Solanaceae. It is believed that they cause inflammation and arthritis pain, but there is no evidence to prove it. So, today we talk about exactly what nightshade vegetables are and whether they are good for you? 


What are nightshade vegetables?

Nightshade vegetables are from the Solanaceae plant family and contain an alkaloid called solanine which is toxic if taken in high amounts. You might have seen tiny green-colored spots on potatoes at times. That green substance is called solanine. Potatoes produce solanine naturally to protect against insects, but the amount increases in the warm temperature and turns the potato completely green. Green potatoes are toxic because they contain a high amount of solanine.

Nightshade vegetables are fairly common,  so common in fact, that they are found in everyone’s kitchen. Some common nightshade vegetables include:

  • Tomatoes
  • Potatoes
  • Eggplants
  • Peppers


Can nightshade vegetables cause inflammation?

There’s no evidence to prove the relation between nightshade vegetables and inflammation or arthritis pain. But, it is possible that symptoms may worsen due to food sensitivity or allergy. Symptoms like nausea or vomiting, itchiness or rashes, nasal congestion, pain may happen due to food allergy or nightshade allergy. People with nightshade allergy lack enzymes that are necessary to digest nightshades which may cause heartburn.

If any of these symptoms occur after eating these vegetables then you should go for an allergy test or a full body health checkup to find the root cause.


Common nightshade vegetables - Healthians


How nightshade vegetables affect autoimmune diseases?

Autoimmune diseases are diseases where the immune system mistakenly starts attacking the body. Inflammatory bowel disease is a set of autoimmune conditions, which cause inflammation in the digestive tract. In individuals with IBD, the digestive system doesn’t work appropriately and permits microorganisms and other destructive substances to enter the circulatory system. A few pieces of research done on animals found that these vegetables can worsen IBD. Other autoimmune conditions also have a link to permeable intestines and thus many people remove nightshade from their diet. However, further research is necessary to say anything conclusive. 


Are there any health benefits of nightshade vegetables?

Although nightshade vegetables have some toxic effects, they also have some health benefits because of the nutrients, proteins, and fiber in them. 

  • Tomatoes: Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, C and contain the antioxidant lycopene which is helpful for the skin. 
  • Potatoes: Potatoes are a rich source of vitamin B6 and potassium which may help reduce blood pressure. It also helps to regulate fluid balance and muscle contraction.
  • Eggplants: Eggplants are a good source of fiber, potassium, and vitamin B6, which reduces the risk of heart disease and helps in proper bowel movements. It is a good source of manganese which is helpful for your metabolism.
  • Bell peppers: Bell peppers are rich in vitamin C which increases the iron absorption from your gut and reduces the risk of anemia.


What are the alternatives to nightshade vegetables?

In case you have a nightshade allergy then reducing the amount of nightshade foods in your diet can help. These are some alternatives to nightshade vegetables.

  • Eat cauliflower or sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes. 
  • Use mushrooms instead of eggplants.
  • Instead of zucchini or celery, peppers can be used.
  • Eat beetroots or carrots instead of tomatoes.

Nightshade vegetables are nutritious foods and good for health, but some nutritionists advise you to avoid them in your diet. In case you suffer from an allergic reaction, then getting an allergy test can help assess the issue. 


Suffering from an allergic reaction? Get tested!