Contributed by: Healthians Team


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a lifestyle disorder that affects one out of every ten Indian women of reproductive age.

It is characterised by skincare issues, sudden skin inflammation, excess body hair which can be extremely challenging for any woman to deal with. 

The problem is: There is no magic pill to cure the devastating and embarrassing symptoms of this syndrome, and very little the doctor can do. 

This article concentrates on some natural Indian skincare remedies for reversing PCOS related symptoms.

What is polycystic ovary syndrome?

Before we get into the skincare tips for PCOS, we need to first understand what PCOS actually is. PCOS is a pretty common hormonal imbalance disease that most usually affects women.

It occurs due to cysts that grow in the ovaries and presents with a wide range of symptoms and long-term complications. Admittedly, none of the symptoms is life-threatening, but if left untreated, it can be quite inconvenient and embarrassing. 

  • Female pattern hair loss
  • Inconsistent or absent menstrual periods
  • Unexpected and persistent weight gain, regardless of how much you diet or exercise
  • Infertility or difficulties conceiving
  • Facial hair
  • Acne, blemishes & pimples
  • Depression, anxiety, irritability & moodiness
  • Low sex drive 

The good news? If you struggle with even one of these symptoms, there are a variety of ways to regulate and lessen the symptoms. In this article, we’ll discuss various natural PCOS skincare treatments.

Skin transition during PCOS

PCOS affects the body in a variety of ways, ranging from weight fluctuations to hair thinning. Most notably, the skin becomes pretty vulnerable to a whole lot of conditions, which can batter your body, your self-image, your confidence, and be quite distressing to cope with.

The changing of skin with PCOS could be one of the earliest manifestations of the disease. This can be quite frustrating to deal with because your skin tone and complexion are likely your most identifying features, and you don’t want acne, blemishes, acne, cysts and nodules to define you. Fortunately, you have entire control over your skin’s health with some simple tips.

A generalised skincare routine for those who suffer from PCOS:

  • Face washing should be done a maximum of twice a day, but not more than that. Don’t overwash
  • Wipe off your face with clean tissue paper instead of towels
  • Check for any allergies or sensitivities that could exacerbate PCOS symptoms
  • Picking and scraping imperfections should be avoided
  • Use only non-comedogenic cosmetics
  • Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated
  • Use water-based or gel-based products
  • Try a gentle cleansing balm to remove makeup and oil without causing irritation
  • Use a lightweight nourishing cream
  • Apply sunscreen during the day
  • Make sure to remove make-up before going to sleep
  • Clean the makeup with cleansing lotion and avoid using oil. Follow it up with the cleanser and use an anti-acne cream and a moisturizer over it
  • Skincare in PCOS should be steady & consistent

Here are a few Don’ts to remember if you have skin problems associated with PCOS:

  • Do not self-diagnose; avoid applying anything on your face without a dermatologist’s advice
  • Do not keep switching multiple products
  • Avoid too many types of actives in pursuit of blemish-free skin
  • Do not pluck hair to treat hirsutism (excess hair around the mouth and chin)
  • Avoid any kind of facials
  • Avoid using too many products on the face
  • Avoid oil-based or cream-based products

Ayurvedic Herbs for PCOS

Ayurvedic interventions often offer a holistic approach for PCOS by correcting the imbalance of the doshas. Ayurveda recommends the use of specific herbs that can potentially help in treating PCOS. Here are a few effective Ayurvedic herbs that can help in treating the symptoms of PCOS.

  • Ashwagandha
  • Cinnamon
  • Turmeric
  • Holy basil
  • Evening primrose oil
  • Maca root

Honey, amla, cumin water, apple cider vinegar, and green tea are also a few solutions that are right in your kitchen.

Final thought

If you have PCOS, keep in mind that skin problems are common. To better understand your condition, gather as much information as possible as there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to treatment. Although there is no cure for PCOS, it is a manageable disorder.

You must make the necessary steps to manage it. Adopting a healthy lifestyle, nutrition habits, and skincare routine are just as vital as taking the prescribed prescriptions.

And, above all, keep your health in check by opting for regular PCOS diagnostic check-ups to evaluate the effectiveness of the management techniques.

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