Contributed by: Healthians Team


Do you struggle with excessive perspiration all the time? If so, your diet may be to blame. What you choose to put in your mouth will always trigger a reaction in your body.

In our last blog post, Tired Of Excessive Sweating After Eating? Avoid These 7 Sweat-Triggering Foods; we highlighted which foods cause you to sweat abnormally. Now in this blog, we’ll cover some things you can add to your diet to help you cope with sweating.

Sweating less can be achieved by paying attention to what you eat.

Let’s jump into how to do it with the right food items! Here are a few sweat-reducing foods you might want to try

Olive oil

If you are sweating too much then adjusting your diet may be able to help.

Apart from being rich in antioxidants and easy to digest, olive oil also boosts your metabolism and is a wonderful addition to your diet to stop sweating.

Green tea

Green tea is noted for its calming effects. Being high in magnesium and vitamin B helps slow down overactive sweat glands.

On top of that, it also contains lots of catechins and antioxidants.

All these nutrients in green tea keep the nervous system relaxed, reducing the chances of you breaking into a sweat due to anxiety.


You may be wondering why eating almonds are an excellent way to combat excessive sweat. The answer lies in its key nutrient which is magnesium.

Magnesium-rich foods can help your body regulate its temperature and curb sweating.

On top of that, almonds also strengthen your immune system and improve digestion.


Consuming spinach and other leafy vegetables like lettuce are also a great addition to your diet to stop sweating.

Being a water-dense vegetable, spinach can help regulate sweat levels.

On top of that, spinach is high loaded with magnesium, which aids in metabolic and neurological function.

People who sweat a lot have lower magnesium levels. As a result, it is critical to consume magnesium-rich meals.

Cheese, milk and yoghurt

Cheese, milk and yoghurt are calcium-rich foods that can help you sweat less. They naturally aid in the regulation of body temperature.

Calcium is a vital mineral that helps your body maintain its optimal temperature, which results in less perspiration.

When you are purchasing dairy products, remember to choose low-fat varieties.

Foods that are high in fat take longer to digest, thereby causing your body to eventually heat up and sweat.


Salmon ranks first on the list of foods to reduce perspiration since it contains all eight B vitamins. B vitamins are excellent for keeping your body running properly.

They maintain the health of your nervous system, promote inter-nerve communication, and improve digestion, thereby increasing your immune system.


Eggs are another high-protein and B-vitamin source. A vitamin B deficiency forces your body to work extra hard just to keep going.

This, in turn, may result in increased sweating. Eating an egg-rich diet helps to reduce perspiration.


Bananas, which are high in potassium, are also great for keeping sweat at bay. This is because they are packed with potassium, an electrolyte that aids in body hydration.

Bananas also include magnesium and vitamin B6, both of which help to strengthen the immune system.

Including bananas in your diet will help you stay calm and joyful.

Melons and watermelons

Maintaining adequate hydration keeps your body cool, resulting in less sweat production.

Fruits like melon and watermelon are excellent sources of hydration because they contain 90 to 95 per cent water.

They are also high in fibre, which aids digestion and boosts metabolism.


If you sweat a lot, whole grains are the finest option. This is due to the fact that processed foods are more difficult to digest.

Your body has to work a lot harder to break them down. Your body temperature rises as a result, and you sweat.

Whole grains, on the other hand, are easier on your digestive system.

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes include nutrients that can help to soothe nerves, decrease blood pressure, and combat stress.

All three of these factors are common causes of excessive sweating.

Final thoughts

It can be debilitating to sweat excessively. When your clothes have sweat stains, it can lower your confidence and affect your performance.

When sweating becomes excruciating and has an impact on your mental and emotional well-being, it is worthwhile to seek medical attention to address the underlying cause.

Moreover, you should also frequently opt for health screening. It provides you with vital insights into your health, allowing you to take necessary measures to improve it.

Book The Full Body Health Checkup Today!