Contributed by – Healthians Team

Don’t you love a glass of freshly squeezed juice? A good morning breakfast always includes a glass of juice which boosts your energy levels and makes you feel a lot healthier. But did you know that the glass of juice extracted in a blender is not as healthy as you think? So, what is the best way to have juice? The answer to your question is cold pressed juices which are not only oodles of flavour but also rich in nutrient content.

Have you heard about cold pressed juices?

Cold pressed juices are the newer and much healthier version of having fruit and vegetable juices. Let us explore more about cold pressed juices and what makes them a much healthier option:

What are cold pressed juices?

Cold pressed juices are fresh fruit and vegetable juices that are made using hydraulic press, exerting high pressure to extract the juice. It is a 100% natural process without the use of any added preservatives, flavours and ingredients. Since the process does not involve any heat, the low levels of oxidation results in flavourful, colourful, nutrient-rich juice. These are not just pleasing to the eyes but tastes good as well.

Cold pressed juices can be easily bottled and have a shelf life of 3 to 4 days. These juices can also be customised as per need. Available in a wide variety of fruits, combination of vegetables and fruits or just vegetables, the customer has ample choice to pick their favourite flavour. With each gulp you activate the secretion of saliva and enzymes that prepare your body to absorb the nutrients better.

What makes them healthy?

Cold press juices are full of health and goodness; a smarter and nutritious option because:

  • They are fibre rich which improves digestion and makes our stomach happier
  • Their antioxidant properties aids better immunity, eye sight, healthy hair and smooth skin
  • They are loaded with nutrients: green juice provides a powerful nutrient blast to the bloodstream
  • They have no added preservatives, artificial flavours or sugar which makes them safe for long-term consumption, even for people suffering from Type 2 Diabetes
  • These juices are a quick, easy and healthy way to fulfill recommended daily fruit and veggie requirements
  • They are an instant energy provider
  • Cold press juices of leafy vegetables helps sleep better due to being rich in magnesium
  • Cold press juices of broccoli etc. helps build bones and are crucial for a strong healthy skeleton
  • They help fight depression as these juices boosts the energy levels and are considered the best mood lifters
  • Free from artificial sugar and well balanced in fruits and vegetables, they are considered a smart choice for fitness lovers and aids weight loss
  • Higher absorption of nutrients makes them a best fit in a hectic lifestyle. Time and cooking hassles can be best addressed with cold press juices, they help meet all daily nutrient requirements of people with busy schedules

Cold pressed juices the new way to stay healthy

Can cold juices be made at home?

Yes, we can surely make them at home if you have the right juicer and accessories. However, certain precautions are advisable.

Always wash the fruits and vegetables properly. Always use organic fruits and vegetables as others are treated with pesticides; eating them raw will be more harmful and unhealthy. You can easily combine the fruits and vegetables of your choice and fulfill your daily nutrient requirement.

What are the advantages of cold pressed juices over other traditional fruit juices?

Traditional juicing eliminates all the beneficial fiber. Preservatives are added in packaged juices for longer shelf life.  Moreover, artificial flavours and sugar is added to improve their flavours. Also, commercial juices are not ecofriendly. All these negatives, are negated when we drink cold press juices. There are innumerable reasons to include cold pressed juices in your daily diet, some of them are:

  • Cold press juices are 100% natural
  • They are fibre rich
  • They have no added artificial flavours and preservatives
  • Additionally, the benefit of vegetable-based cold press juice makes them a good choice for people who are diet conscious

In traditional juices and packaged counterparts, the use of vegetables or a combo of vegetables and fruits is a rarity, whereas in cold pressed one can find a variety of both.

Are these juices easily accessible?

Yes, they have become easily accessible in all super markets and are available online as well. Cold pressed juices are available in a variety of flavours full of taste and health. Cold fresh juices are the new and revolutionary way of consuming juices and are really popular. You can also very easily make your own choice of cold pressed juice at home.

Do’s and don’ts of cold pressed juices

There are a list of do’s and don’ts to be kept in mind when it comes to cold pressed juices.


  • Fruits and vegetables treated with pesticides and insecticides and are not meant to be consumed by the human body. Ideally, organic vegetables and fruits should be used.
  • The shelf life of cold pressed juices is 72 hours, always bear this in mind while having cold press juices.


  • People who are on restrictive-diets, like those who are struggling with thyroid should never opt for cold pressed juices.
  • As these juices are rich in potassium, people with kidney disorders should also avoid them.
What is cold pressed juice?
Simple recipes of cold press juice with health benefits
  • Pineapple pear ginger mint– This combination of ginger and mint with fruits provides a cooling sensation to the skin and can help to treat minor burns, itching and skin irritations and also soothes digestive tract.
  • Apple cinnamon– Apples are full of fiber, especially pectin, a soluble fiber which can help promote good digestive health and a sense of full belly which helps in weight loss. The cinnamon in this juice makes it a preferred option in winters.
  • Green alkalizer– Green juice is a natural mineral and vitamin supplement that can be a powerful influence to a malnourished system. This healthy juice is highly recommended for winters as it will help you stay healthy.
  • Citrus juice– Fresh citrus provides both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber can help lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels which may help reduce the risk of heart disease. Citrus juices are a rich source of Vitamin C, fruits like oranges, amlas etc. boosts our immunity. Include these yummy citrus juices in your daily diet to fight infections and allergies this winters.

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