Contributed by Healthians Team

Spring is a season that rejuvenates both the earth as well as us with exquisiteness around. It brings warmer temperatures, longer days, frequent showers, and joy for all of us. However, spring can also be a harbinger of several ailments such as allergies, asthma, colds, flu, and Lyme disease. This is the time to return to the outdoors where along with enjoyment ailments are also ready to welcome us. Spring is one of the peak seasons of the common cold and seasonal allergies. The variations in atmospheric pressures, temperatures, and wind which are common during seasonal alterations might irritate our nasal passages. This hinders our immune system’s ability to fight various infections.

This season tempts us all to venture outside after being inside throughout winters. Hence, it can be called a travel season and more travel means more exposure to bacteria and viruses. This season is a time of budding trees, bushes, and flowers. The pollen from trees causes seasonal allergies and in some places, these allergies might affect you as early as the month of February. Showers during this time might promote mold growth both indoors as well as outdoors. Not all mold species cause allergies but the most common offenders are Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, and Penicillium.

You should be proactive while dealing with it. Start consuming your allergy drugs around two weeks before the signs of the ailment are anticipated. Follow the pollen counts online through local weather forecasts before you go out. Asthma gets triggered outdoors in the spring. The factors triggering it can include pollen, air temperature changes, fertilizers, and insect repellants. Indoor triggers such as dust, mold, and cleaning chemicals might also create trouble for you. Hence, keep your inhalers handy and ready. It is the peak time for common cold also which is caused by Rhinoviruses that are responsible for fifty percent of all types of common colds spread easily. You must follow prevention strategies such as washing hands regularly and avoidance of touching eyes, nose, and mouth.

Flu viruses perform well in the humidity provided by spring. You ought to stay alert and engage in disease control measures while traveling. This rainy spring weather is also preferred by deer ticks which transmit Lyme disease. These tiny creatures become active in temperatures above 35° F. You should avoid walking in tall vegetation and use tick repellant in case of spending long periods outdoors. Apart from this, noroviruses also flourish in this weather. They are highly contagious and cause stomach pain, cramps, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting which usually lasts for around one to two days. Once afflicted you remain contagious for around three days after symptoms decline. Other signs might also include a low-grade fever, chills, headache, muscle aches, and fatigue. You must regularly disinfect your bed and household items and take proper rest.

Conjunctivitis is another infection prevalent during springtime that affects the eyes but it is often confused with allergy. This can be bacterial, viral, or even allergic. The bacterial, as well as viral forms, are both highly infectious. This is common among children. To prevent this infection, you should wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your eyes. The treatment includes the consumption of prescribed antibiotics and antihistamines.

Take an allergy test