Contributed by: Healthians Team


“Vision is the most precious gift by god”

In countless ways, technology has made our lives simpler. Furthermore, there is no question about the numerous advantages that computers and mobile devices provide. 

Since almost everyone uses a screen daily, digital eye strain (DES) is more frequent than before. In short, excessive screen time is harming your eyes!

DES is a set of vision and eye problems like dry, red, itchy, and teary eyes. 

While the maximum number of people use cell phones and laptops, they are highly exposed to excessive light which is harmful. 

According to health research, after the pandemic, it was observed that 23% of the Indian population is suffering from vision problems as most of the people were working for long hours during work from home and the rest were spending a lot of time online.

Because of this, we must be cautious when using our screens even if we can’t entirely do away with them. Our focus should be on moderating our screen time. 

So, do screens impair your vision? The good news is that eye strain does not persist over time.

Fortunately, by including a few straightforward, healthy habits into your routine, you can reduce the inevitable digital eye strain.

Here are some easy care tips which can reduce the harmful effect of computer and smartphone screens on your eyes:

Follow the 20-20-20 rule

We all must have been advised about resting our eyes frequently during long screen hours. Rule 20/20/20 is about easing and relaxing your eye muscles. 

Basically, after 20 minutes of screen time, attempt to glance away for a total of 20 seconds at anything that is 20 feet away from you. So that your eyes are distracted from screens. 

It’s a good idea to get up and have some water while you’re resting your eyes and muscles to keep yourself hydrated. Your eyes will be equally hydrated if your body is well-hydrated. 

Keep a genuine distance from the screen 

The majority of individuals think that looking downward is more comfortable when using a computer.

The distance between the eyes and the centre of the computer screen should be between 20 and 28 inches or 15 to 20 degrees below eye level.

You can use anti-reflective screen protector glasses 

Anti-reflective (AR) coating, a thin layer on the surface of the glasses that enhances eyesight and is included in anti-reflective screen protector glasses, helps lessen the amount of light that reflects off your eye lens.

Excess light is to blame for several eye-related issues, including impaired sight in low light, which can be risky if you’re driving at night. Exposure to bright lights can even give you headaches.

These anti-reflective glasses are designed to reduce excessive brightness and its negative effects on your eyes.

Blink your eyes frequently 

Although it’s a fact that blinking is an involuntary action. However, it happens at times that staring at the screen constantly can interfere with this process and you forget to blink.  Blinking of eyes keeps our eyes, moist and hydrated.

Eat fresh fruits and vegetables 

Certain foods help in improving eyesight like fresh fruits and vegetables.  

Research has shown that increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables can improve your general health and help prevent eye problems. 

Eating meals high in vitamins and minerals will help to maintain your eyes. These nutrients are referred to as antioxidants. Our cells and tissues benefit from antioxidant protection. 

Eggs, kale, carrot, spinach, turnip greens, collard greens, romaine lettuce, broccoli, zucchini, corn, guava, grapefruit, orange, peas and brussels sprouts are some of the most common fruits and vegetables that help improve eyesight.

Final thoughts

We are surrounded by gadgets like mobile phones, laptops, tablets, TVs and more. According to health experts, staring at screens for long hours without relaxing your eyes and muscles can affect your eyesight.

Excessive exposure to screens can cause inconvenient side effects, most notably digital eye strain (also called digital eye strain or DES).

As we all know, if there is a problem there is also a solution. So, in this case, you can adopt some simple and easy steps to reduce the harm from continuous screen time. 

One may take good care of their eyes by taking the above-mentioned tips, but the best course of action in the event of severe eye issues is to see an eye doctor.

Moreover, it is always a good idea to get a regular health checkup done as it gives you complete health insight.

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