Contributed by -Healthians Team

What is the urobilinogen test?

Basically, the purpose of a urobilinogen test is to measure the amount of urobilinogen in the urine sample. Urobilinogen is a byproduct of bilirubin. Bilirubin is a yellowish substance found in the liver which helps in the breakdown of red blood cells. When there’s a reduction in the levels of bilirubin, urobilinogen is produced. Although, some amount of urobilinogen is always there in the urine, having it in abnormal amounts indicates problems with the liver.

Who should get tested?

Your healthcare provider may ask for a urobilinogen test if you show symptoms of liver diseases. These may include:

  • Jaundice
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dark coloured urine
  • Itchy skin
  • Pain and swelling in the abdomen
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Fatigue

Why is the urobilinogen test needed?

Urobilinogen test is a part of urine analysis. Urine analysis measures different cells, substances, and chemicals in the urine sample. This test is mostly a part of regular health checkups, but can also be used to diagnose liver diseases or monitor the effectiveness of treatments. 

What does urobilinogen test results mean?

Normal levels of urobilinogen – 0.2 – 1.0 mg/dL

Low levels of urobilinogen – <0.2 mg/dL

High levels of urobilinogen – >1.0 mg/dL

Having lower than normal levels of urobilinogen could mean:

  • Reduced bile flow
  • Blockage in the blood flow of the liver
  • Liver damage or diseases
  • Certain medications

And having higher than normal levels of urobilinogen could mean:

  • Hepatitis
  • Liver cirrhosis
  • Liver damage due to drugs
  • Hemolytic anaemia

Note that each lab has its own reference ranges. Therefore, test results from different laboratories may vary. Overall health, existing medical conditions, and medications you take also influence your test results. So, make sure that you always get your test results examined by a doctor to correctly understand what they mean for you. 

How is the test done?

For the test, your healthcare provider will ask you to collect a sample of your urine. You will be provided with a collection container. Besides, special instructions called the ‘clean catch method’ will also be shared with you to make sure that the sample you collect is sterile. Make sure that you collect the sample mid-stream and at least collect 30 to 60 ml. The sample will then be sent to a lab for testing.

Usually, no kind of special preparation or fasting is required before the test. However, make sure that you inform your doctor about any existing health issues you have and medications you take including over-the-counter medicines as they can influence your test results.

Test your urobilinogen levels now