Contributed by – Healthians Team

What is the Amylase test?

The pancreas and the salivary gland produce an enzyme called amylase. Its role is to aid the digestion of carbohydrates in the food. The amylase blood test is basically used to measure the amount of amylase in the body. 

A small amount of amylase is usually present in the blood. But, if it’s too high or too low then that could mean something’s wrong. Typically, it happens when the pancreas is damaged or inflamed. Certain infections, cancer, alcohol, or even medicines can affect amylase levels.

Who should get the Amylase Test?

A lot of conditions can affect the levels of amylase in the body. Usually, the test is recommended when symptoms like severe abdominal pain, fever, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, rapid pulse, and loose stools are noticed. The results can help the healthcare practitioner to diagnose or rule out the causes of such symptoms. 

Why is the Amylase test needed?

The amylase test is needed to diagnose and manage conditions like – 

  • Acute, chronic, or alcoholic pancreatitis
  • Ruptured ectopic pregnancy
  • Digestive issues

A point to be noted here is that the amylase test is not specific. Therefore, a lipase test or urine amylase test can also be ordered along with the blood amylase test for a more accurate diagnosis. 

What does Amylase test results mean?

Abnormal amylase results can happen for a number of reasons. Amylase levels can be higher in case of – 

  • Acute or chronic pancreatitis
  • Cancer of pancreas, breast, colon, ovary, or lung
  • Abdominal swelling
  • Swelling of the gallbladder
  • Ruptured ectopic pregnancy
  • Salivary gland swelling
  • Kidney problems
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Eating disorders
  • Inflammatory bowel disease

Amylase levels can be low in case of – 

  • Permanent damage to amylase producing cells in the pancreas
  • Kidney disease
  • Pre-eclampsia

For adults, the normal range of amylase in the blood is 30 to 110 units per liter. However, each lab can have its own reference range. Only a healthcare professional can understand what the results mean for a particular patient. 

How is the Amylase test done?

For the amylase test, a small sample of blood is taken from a vein, usually in the arm. The process is completed in a few minutes. The healthcare provider will first apply antiseptic to the area where the blood will be drawn. To increase the amount of blood flow to the veins, an elastic band will be tied around the upper arm. Then a needle will be inserted into the vein and blood will get collected in the tube attached to it. A slight prick might be felt when the needle goes in. Once a sufficient amount of blood is collected, the needle will be removed and a sterile bandage will be applied over the site. The blood is then sent to a lab for testing. 

Note that no kind of special preparations like fasting is needed. However, certain medications, alcohol intake, pregnancy, and recent kidney transplant can affect the results. Hence, the healthcare provider should be informed if any of these conditions exist.

Evaluate your Amylase levels now!