Contributed by: Healthians Team

So you’ve weathered the storm! Congratulations!!

This global pandemic is a type of raging storm we’ve never faced. The good news is that a large number of people are making it through without hospitalization. So let’s have a look at the things to do post recovering from COVID-19:

Remember, you are not IMMUNE to coronavirus

First things first, though contracting COVID-19 may have given your body some immunity to the disease; you still need to be cautious about what you do in the next few days. New research suggests that this immunity is most likely only temporary. As a result, continue to wear face covers or masks in public and practice social distancing.

Take Proper Rest

The majority of experts advise that someone who has recently recovered from COVID-19 isolate themselves for the next seven days. This is because, according to some reports, the virus can still linger in the body of an infected person. So, regardless of whether you had a minor or major infection, remember to give yourself adequate rest for a week post-recovery. When you are well-rested, your body recovers faster. To hasten your recovery get at least 7-8 hours of beauty sleep.

Gradual Return

After fighting the onslaught of the deadly virus for so many days, the body becomes tired. If you feel exhausted by even simple chores, like bathing and dressing, you aren’t alone. Post-Covid fatigue is very normal. Do not expect to bounce back to your old routine as soon as you test negative for the disease. Do not dive straight into your job. Workplace stress will exacerbate your symptoms. 

Focus on Exercising

While regular exercise can sound troublesome when you’re recovering, it is critical for fast recovery. But, an important point to remember is exercising improves the body’s oxygen and blood supply while also aiding in detoxification. Furthermore, it aids in the release of happy hormones in your brain, which is necessary for lifting your spirits during these trying times.

Consume a Nutritious Diet

When our bodies are healing from an infection, they need more building blocks (from protein foods) to rebuild themselves, as well as enough vitamins and minerals to speed up the process. A well-balanced and healthy diet can help you heal faster from a coronavirus infection. The right food will help you regain your vitality and strength. Try to consume a well-organized eating regimen loaded with organic products, vegetables, eggs, and protein-rich foods to speed the recovery. Remember to eat small portions for easy digestion.

Keep a Check on Blood Oxygen Level

Keep a constant eye on the blood oxygen saturation level with the aid of an oximeter. Even if you have recovered from the Coronavirus infection, you could still be suffering from lung damage that you are unaware of. If this is the case, your body’s oxygen level can fluctuate and fall below 90 percent. If that is the case, you must seek assistance from you.

Try Playing Puzzles and Memory Games

To enhance your concentration level and cognitive thinking abilities, invest some of your days’ time playing memory games like crosswords, sudoku, jigsaw puzzles, sudoku, and so on. Furthermore, this will assist you in more effectively passing your time, preventing boredom and irritability.

Pay Close Attention to Warning Signs

While the data is still limited and non-conclusive, it’s important to pay attention to any alerts or warning signs that your body isn’t functioning properly. Monitor your symptoms regularly. Make sure to address any lingering symptoms such as recurring headache, episodes of breathlessness, severe pain or tightness in the chest, warm flushes, or anything away from your normal.

Moving Forward

As you are on the road to recovery, remember that you still need to shower yourself with a lot of love and care till you are completely healed. Even after other health parameters return back to the baseline, now is a great time to start — or recommit to — good health practices.

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