
The summer sun is starting to give way to the winter haze. While summer heat has its own challenges, winter brings its own with regard to health and overall well-being, especially when the season changes.

India has four distinct seasons, spring, summer, monsoon, and winter, which change during the course of the year every quarter. 

Each season has its benefits and drawbacks as well as specific illnesses. As the seasons change, so does our propensity to get sick. 

Colds, flu, runny noses, sore throats, and other illnesses are among the most prevalent amid seasonal changes, especially at the onset of the winter. We must take precautions and ensure that we develop a lifestyle that makes us stronger to handle any weather without getting sick.

We don’t need to make huge changes to take better care of our health. Healthy eating and regular exercise are two of the most important habits that can keep us away from all illnesses.

Here are a few significant adjustments that will not only help you get ready for the upcoming winter but some of them will also be beneficial in the long run.

Drink plenty of liquids

Start and end your day with an adequate amount of water, fluids, or drinks. In the morning, you can have lemon water with a teaspoon of honey in it that helps flush out the toxins from your body. One should drink at least two to three litres of water a day in order to stay hydrated. 

In winter, we usually feel less thirsty resulting in fewer instances of water intake. But always remember drinking plenty of water is one of the sole reasons for being healthy as it improves skin health as well as overall well-being.

Clean the air

As we can already see, the air has become more polluted after the festivities and the air quality is hazardous now. We have to take prophylactic measures or respiratory problems are imminent. Though we can’t do much about the outdoor air quality, we should wear a mask to prevent any impending health risks and also consider ensuring cleaner air inside the house through better ventilation indoors. 

Add a few indoor plants such as aloe vera, spider, and snake plants in your home that are proven to be natural air purifiers. Apart from these, you can also use air purifiers and N-95 masks to prevent breathing and lung issues.

Regular exercise

A routine exercise rejuvenates your mind and body and makes you feel active the whole day. Exercise is the most evident approach to staying healthy as the seasons change. No particular form of exercise, such as jogging, swimming, or going to the gym, is required. Any particular sport you like—football, volleyball, cricket, etc.—can also be chosen. 

Health professionals advise getting at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity every week, or 30 minutes per day, five days a week. 

Rest well

Sound sleep is most important and is frequently overlooked or taken for granted. No matter what is the upcoming season, we should all be sleeping for eight hours each night. The quality of sleep is crucial for physical and mental wellness. Your heart and blood arteries are repaired and restored as you sleep. The muscles we utilise throughout the day need to be repaired, and sleep is crucial for this. 

Additionally, proper sleep is essential to boost immunity. When you don’t get enough sleep, your immune system’s ability to fight infections is decreased and your body’s ability to combat infections is compromised. 

Get your nutrients

As there is a saying, ‘You are what you eat.’ You need to eat healthy to stay healthy. You should prepare your daily diet by inculcating seasonal fruits and veggies in order to get proper nutrients. Avoid packed and fried foods during the weather change. It’s better to ensure a high protein intake, steamed vegetables, and organic fruits to stay fit and active.


Maintaining proper hygiene during the season change is indispensable. As washing hands before and after meals is a must, it is also important to take a bath regularly or after each workout. In cases when you are outside and do not have a washroom near you, carry a hand sanitiser with you because most people are already sick during this time and there are a lot of germs that you are exposed to in your everyday environment. 

Moreover, washing your face regularly every day reduces the risks of bacterial infections, and prevents acne, or other breakouts.

Probiotics intake

Probiotics are live and friendly gut micro-organisms that have several health benefits. Incorporating probiotics in your daily diet improves immunity resulting in lowering the chances of falling ill. Yoghurt or curd is a great source of probiotics that prevents common colds and allergies


Just as winter sets in, dress as per the season because the days are warmer but the evenings are considerably cooler. This is the time of the year one should not take lightly as it creates all the health problems. While you might enjoy this pleasant weather, your body might be vulnerable to cold and fever. You can also catch a cold while sweating.

This is the time you should carry a jacket with you or can also wear full-sleeved clothes to avoid the cold as well as mosquito bites.

Herbal tea

A large group of people in this contemporary era loves to drink coffee, especially in the morning but it is not as healthy as we think. Add at least one cup of herbal tea a day that reduces cholesterol, bacterial and viral infections, and improves sleep quality. Herbal tea contains antioxidants that reduce inflammation in the body.

Final thoughts

Living a healthy life is always the best option, no matter what age group you belong to, whether you are chubby or with an athletic body. 

It is always said that ‘Prevention is better than Cure.’ It is best to have early caution because some diseases, even seasonal ones, can be excruciating and necessitate hospitalisation if not diagnosed on time. 

Follow these above precautions to enjoy the changing weather and all the good things that come with it. 

Furthermore, you should also undergo preventive health checkups. These health checkups give a complete report about your health, allowing you to take necessary precautionary measures to improve your well-being and keep a host of ailments at bay.

Book The Full Body Good Health Test Today!