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Prolactin is an important hormone which the pituitary gland produces. One of its main functions is aiding in the production of breast milk. However, Prolactin also plays an important role in the reproductive health of both males and females. High levels of Prolactin hormone may affect fertility.  So, if you are planning a family or are unable to conceive then knowing what is Prolactin and understanding the role of Prolactin might give you some insights. 


Prolactin hormone

As the name suggests, the Prolactin hormone is associated with milk production in lactating women. This hormone is produced by a pea-sized gland located at the base of the brain called the pituitary gland. Basically, Prolactin’s function is to induce milk production post the birth of a child. Prolactin levels keep increasing during pregnancy and reach their highest at the time of delivery. And six weeks later, they start to go back to normal even if the mother is breastfeeding. 

Now, the condition when the Prolactin levels are elevated is called Hyperprolactinemia. Though high levels of Prolactin are expected in new moms, these elevated levels can go up due to various other causes and hinder the functions of ovaries leading to menstrual irregularities, infertility, and milk release from the breasts when the woman is not breastfeeding. 


Causes of Hyperprolactinemia

There could be one or more causes of high levels of Prolactin. They can be:


[Also read: How PCOS impacts infertility in women]


Prolactin functions - Healthians

Prolactin role in Fertility

Normally, a woman’s body does not produce much Prolactin unless she gets pregnant. But if the level of Prolactin rises due to any reason, the process of ovulation can slow down or stop entirely. This means that the ovaries will either release an egg intermittently or not at all. This irregular ovulation will lead to absent or irregular periods making conception difficult for couples. 

Sometimes, the levels of Prolactin aren’t too high to hinder ovulation. But the situation can still cause infertility by affecting the production of the Progesterone hormone. Progesterone hormone is responsible for the thickening of the uterus walls after ovulation. This is called the Luteal Phase. Higher levels of Prolactin can decrease the production of Progesterone, shortening the Luteal Phase, and keeping the uterine lining from becoming thick enough to implant a fertilized egg. As a result, the fertilized egg will not get a chance to develop into a foetus.


Prolactin role in pregnancy

The main role of Prolactin in pregnancy is of assisting in the production of breast milk. When it comes to Prolactin and miscarriages, there’s no conclusive research yet. Few studies have found higher levels of Prolactin in women who suffered recurrent miscarriages. But it’s still not enough to prove anything. Given how hormones work, any imbalance can lead to numerous problems. However, researchers still do not fully understand the functions of Prolactin in the body. Hence, saying anything conclusive about higher levels of Prolactin and its relation to miscarriage is not possible. 

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Managing the levels of Prolactin

Depending on the factors, Prolactin can be managed easily. Some of the ways are:

  • Medications to lower the Prolactin levels
  • Stopping medications that were causing the levels of Prolactin to rise
  • Medication or surgery, if a tumour is the cause
  • Treating hypothyroidism

High levels of Prolactin or Hyperprolactinemia may or may not be a cause of miscarriage, but it can definitely make getting pregnant difficult. If you are having a hard time conceiving, then it is a good idea to get a Prolactin test done to identify the cause so that you can plan the future course of action.


Unable to conceive? Get a Prolactin test