Contributed by: Healthians Team


UNBELIEVABLE! This might be your emotion after reading this blog as we bring to you the adverse effect of some day-to-day foods that you probably find hard to resist. Yes, we are talking about your favourites like instant noodles, canned fluids, cookies, or nachos- the mouth-watering delicacies that you might find difficult to say no to.

These foods might be appetizing, but when it comes to your overall well-being, they are just not the right option.

Some people might want to fulfil their regular nutrient needs by consuming canned juices available in the market, and some may want to drink or eat aerated beverages or foods, that are not good for their overall well-being as in both cases, the potential health risk is equal.

These foods that are claimed to be beneficial and packed with nutrients, are mostly unhealthy and loaded with added preservatives, harmful fats, or artificial ingredients that are harmful.

Through this article, our effort is to make sure that you understand exactly what is the content of these scrumptious foods and how they wreak havoc on your health. As we explain the foods you should get rid of, we’ll also suggest the best and the healthiest alternatives to each of them.

Coffee creamer

How can coffee creamer be harmful? It is made from milk! This is the most common misconception that many people have about coffee creamer. Some of the ingredients used in this product are hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, and artificial sugar.

When these ingredients enter your system, they can give rise to liver complications by increasing liver fat and may also lead to gastrointestinal issues. 

This does not imply that to stay healthy, a person has to completely nix coffee. Instead, try drinking the coffee, black, and substitute non-dairy creamer with cow’s milk, almond, coconut, or cashew.

Diet soda

Some common ingredients used in diet soda are artificial colours, flame retardants, and waist-widening artificial sweeteners. Are they beneficial? NO, not at all! These ingredients can lead to diabetes, gastrointestinal issues, and some studies even link them to the development of several forms of cancer.

The best alternative to this harmful fluid is a nice glass of water. But if you get bored of consuming this flavourless fluid, you can always opt for a cup of delicious detox tea or coffee.

Canned or bottled juice

Taking care of your health is crucial and the process should include the right diet. Canned or bottled juices lack the nutritional benefits of raw fruits or homemade juice and includes added preservatives such as artificial sugar, hydrogenated oil, and fruits colours. These ingredients can be harmful to health. 

The juice tastes better and has more benefits when you extract it at home. This is the best alternative to canned or bottled juice available in the market.

Instant noodles

Instant noodles might look tempting and taste delicious, but this ready-to-cook junk food is in no way beneficial for health. It contains a high quantity of sodium which increases the chances of getting a stroke or heart disease

When it comes to instant food, oats is one of the best alternatives to noodles that a person should go for. It contains essential nutrients like protein and fibre that are highly beneficial for your health.

Energy drinks

Energy drinks taste good, isn’t it? It contains a strong cocktail of caffeine, artificial sweeteners (sugar), and various other chemicals that make them luscious. Some studies prove that energy drinks are 11% more corrosive to the teeth than regular soda and may also affect the functioning of the liver. 

Instead of regular energy drinks, you can always opt for natural energy boosters like bananas and green tea.

Final thoughts

Eating good food is the key to good health. We often get enticed by mouth-watering advertising that lures us to consume foods that are unhealthy for us. The aforementioned foods and drinks are a few examples of some regularly consumed foodstuffs that should be avoided.

In case you have been consuming these foods for a long time, get diagnosed to identify your current health status. If the reports show signs of any complication, seek medical attention to manage them.

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